Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And throughout the evening , making you almost afraid to blink in case you miss anything , Ninagawa fills the stage with a constantly shifting sequence of such pictures — including a magnificent riverside landscape with clumps of reeds bleached by the light of an enormous moon .
2 For through the seemingly substantial chest of his great-great-grandfather he could glimpse the hazed , refracted image of the Ywe Lung , the great wheel of dragons broken by the planes of his ancestor 's body .
3 Reports in late January suggested that the United Kingdom Defence Ministry might have been aware of the export of components used in the manufacture of the Iraqi " super-gun " [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ] .
4 The declared characteristics of tribunals specified in the Franks Report were ‘ cheapness , accessibility and freedom from technicality , expedition and expert knowledge of the particular subject ’ and stated that the objectives of tribunal procedure are ‘ openness , fairness and impartiality ’ .
5 Having mapped out the general social and drug career characteristics of users interviewed in the four snowball samples , the following section will discuss why these users had not come into contact with the various voluntary and statutory bodies expected to deal with the ‘ heroin problem ’ .
6 MINIS , when properly developed , could identify and measure the performance of departmental cost centres , and thereby provide a potential for the comprehensive reorganization of departments based upon the principle of decentralization to managerially autonomous accountable units .
7 We 're entitled now you know to have all sorts of things done at the doctors , coming up to the right age to be hav to be done er
8 Dr Mackie said ; ‘ It 's perfume sprays , cologne and the sorts of things left on the dressing table . ’
9 The decor is impressive , with all sorts of artefacts suspended from the ceiling and attached to the walls .
10 These are the sorts of questions tackled in the research .
11 This was exciting and I was very soon trying crystals of all sorts of substances taken from the shelves of my own and my colleagues ' laboratories .
12 When they canvass , they must explain their programme and , conversely , must listen to all sorts of points put by the voters on their own doorsteps .
13 Responding to Bush 's initiative , Gorbachev said during a banquet speech on July 31 that " a more determined reciprocal movement is needed " , in particular , the lifting of restrictions applied through the 17-member Co-ordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls ( COCOM ) on the transfer of technology from the West to the Soviet Union .
14 All I can see is hands and the hard bulk of bodies pressed against the glass .
15 The task of dealing with the mainly English force of rebels commanded by the M.P .
16 A ring of blocks lit on the slant would similarly foam upwards and inwards , finally meeting in the middle to complete a rigid conical roof .
17 The main opposition parties , the Union pour la democratie française ( UDF ) , a coalition of groups led by the former Prime Minister Giscard d'Estaing , and the Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR ) , the Gaullist party led by Chirac , have very similar and , in comparison with British party-political programmes , not very detailed , manifestos .
18 Lord Charles Somerset 's governorship was marked by important developments on the colony 's unsettled eastern frontier , in the administration of affairs related to the transfer from Dutch to British rule , and in political conflict with radical elements on the issue of freedom of speech .
19 How far would Rock Hudson have got if his true proclivities , hidden so long by a succession of girlfriends provided by the studios , had been known ?
20 ‘ I realised that our existence is nothing but a succession of moments perceived through the senses .
21 Assembly time is a natural occasion for identifying just a few children who have done well — a whole succession of children called to the front for praise in a single assembly simply devalues the reward .
22 Balustraded verandas surmounted each level , and a succession of towers projected from the mass of the building .
23 The names and dates of birth of all parents of case and control children ( regardless of whether or not they were interviewed ) were cross checked against three databases of employees held by the nuclear industry , the completeness and accuracy of which are known to be high .
24 Etzioni ( 1961 ) has produced a typology of organizations based on the notion of ‘ compliance ’ .
25 The potential of a possible-world approach to fiction is successfully demonstrated in a typology of genres based on the nature of the accessibility relations between the actual world and the worlds functioning as actual in the universes projected by different types of texts ( Chapter 2 ) .
26 More generally , our identification of a likely mechanism for an HLA-disease association by characterization of peptides bound to the relevant HLA type and screening of candidate antigens for epitopes congruent with a derived motif , should encourage similar approaches to other disease associations .
27 Some local authorities have taken action under s.100 of the Public Health Act 1936 which has resulted in the eventual closure of premises involved in the animal by-product industry .
28 The fruits of Barclays ' policy are clearly visible in Cambridge , one of the leading centres for small firms , many of which started as a result of technologies developed at the city 's university .
29 Only within the last 20 to 25 years has there even been an identifiable cohort of ageing disabled adults ; first , life expectancy for many types of impairments prior to this was low ; second , people who became disabled as a result of injuries received during the Second World War are now entering older age ; third , many children and young adults disabled as a result of the polio epidemics of the late 1940s and early 1950s are now in their 50s or older .
30 At twenty-three he married again , became a Roman Catholic and decided to buckle down to work as best he could and prove by his buildings that ‘ everything grand , edifying and noble in art is the result of feelings produced by the catholic religion on the human mind . ’
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