Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Fleming continued to work with penicillin as an aid to the isolation of bacteria in cultures all through the 1930s .
2 But Galloway concluded from his study of procedures in Sheffield that prosecution will often be of little value , unless parents can be given a positive reason for insisting on their child 's attendance at school .
3 Absorption is commonly used as a method of odour abatement where odour nuisance is the result of a gas stream becoming contaminated with low concentrations of mixtures of compounds such as fatty acids , ammonia , amines , sulphur dioxide , and perhaps to a lesser extent sulphides and organic sulphur compounds , i.e .
4 100 packets of envelopes at 35p each
5 How much longer such presentation remains credible in the light of trends in cities such as New York , where there are at least 90,000 people sleeping on the streets and an annual budget deficit of around $500 million is itself a significant issue .
6 Syntax covers the grammatical structure of groups , clauses , and sentences : the linear sequences of classes of words such as noun , verb , adverb , and adjective , and functional elements such as subject , predicator , and object , which are allowed in a given language .
7 But there was , quite recently , a time when co-operative organizations of schools with titles such as academic councils brought primary and secondary schools within one area ( sometimes , in country districts , quite a large geographical area ) together for the shared planning of curriculum .
8 The unity witnessed over the two days had been greater than he could ever have hoped for , and the remaining morning 's session of ‘ rounding up ’ would , he trusted , be rich in commitments on the part of participants concerning action each would be taking before the important international conference in Switzerland .
9 My bookshelves contain well-thumbed copies of books by authors such as Lockley , Williamson , Atkinson , Kearton and Fraser-Darling , to name but a few dedicated island-lovers .
10 These speculative balances are available for the purchase of types of wealth such as financial assets , since wealth held as money , although it has the advantage of being perfectly liquid , earns no rate of return .
11 She has always painted botanical illustrations of flowers in watercolour some of which she published in a portfolio in 1982 and others she sold .
12 One of the pretexts is the smuggling of objects from countries such as Greece and Italy , not to speak of Turkey and the African countries whose cultural heritage could be seriously affected .
13 They draw attention to the reliance of governments in countries such as Greece , Spain , Italy and Portugal on the inflation tax for a significant component of their revenues .
14 Finally , both initiatives are capable of incorporating graded assessment information ; in the case of the GCSE this is most likely to be in the form of an equation on the graded assessment certificate ; in the case of records of achievement such attainment will simply be noted on the record .
15 Cedric Downes had himself been on the phone for about five minutes , trying frustratedly to contact British Rail about times of trains to London that day ; yet he could have had little notion of the irrational and frenetic impatience of the man who was trying to contact him ; a man who was betweenwhiles cursing the incompetence of British Telecom and bemoaning the cussedness of the Universe in general .
16 Normally , the ratio was roughly equivalent to one post for every seven MPs ; in coalition , Liberals were appointed on a ratio close to that norm , but Unionists had a proportion of jobs to MPs more like one to twelve or fifteen .
17 It enjoyed a prolonged spell of popularity — at least among adults — despite the very high proportion of poems with titles such as ‘ The Day of Judgement ’ , ‘ A Child 's Grave ’ or ‘ For a Dying Child ’ .
18 Under the influence of researchers in America such as Paul Lazarsfeld ( 1901–70 ) , greater emphasis was put on the need for proof and on the importance of data being as objective as possible , i.e. that it should be free of any influence of the individual researcher who happened to collect it .
19 In the UK the spread of infection has slowed down but the numbers ill and needing care are continuing to rise and this is a reflection of levels of infection some years ago .
20 The professional 's tendency to resist bureaucratic control has been studied in a wide range of occupations by writers such as Drucker , Kornhauser , Wardell , Abrahamson among others , and the congruence of their findings must be accepted here ( Hughes 1980 ) .
21 Polka Dot is a range of fabrics by Parkertex that is suitable for both upholstery and curtains .
22 But , in English of the present day , the word arable in the former phrase is clearly an associative adjective , setting off one group of farmers from others such as pig farmers .
23 A record of changes to items such as salary , job and grades is an important part of any record administration system .
24 Since the same will obviously be true of these ‘ other ’ genes themselves , we have a picture of teams of genes all evolving towards cooperative solutions to problems .
25 Donald Davie , in a dispirited essay called ‘ Criticism and the Academy ’ , ruefully acknowledges that the belletrist criticism of men of letters such as Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly ( unequal figures , these , one has to remark ) might have more to be said for it than he , as a lifelong academic , would be happy to acknowledge :
26 Droughts in South Africa ( see box ) , changes in the southern oscillation , El Nino and other facets of the circulation in the southern hemisphere are surely interlinked , but the complexity of the energy exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere is such that computer models can not yet provide reliable forecasts of changes in phenomena such as the southern oscillation .
27 To the traditional tasks of improving the climate in which members practice and provide them with support was added to the development of policies in fields such as housing , planning , energy and the environment and community architecture .
28 A related point concerns calligraphy ( in its everyday sense , handwriting ) — in early manuscripts ‘ u ’ , ‘ v ’ and ‘ n ’ are easily confused , for instance , and until the development of ascenders for letters such as ‘ b ’ , ‘ d ’ and ‘ h ’ , and descenders for ‘ p ’ , ‘ q ’ , ‘ y ’ and ‘ z ’ , other kinds of misreading are possible .
29 For the formal semanticist , these elements are required in the assignment of values to indexicals such as I , you , here and now .
30 Nevertheless , in the case of contract hire of motor vehicles , the requirement of durability for the whole contract period is often expressly incorporated in the contract where , of course , the hirer pays extra in terms of rentals for facilities such as servicing and the provision for a replacement vehicle .
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