Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] which [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Addled by the speed of events which sent him scurrying from The Hague , the erstwhile British ambassador , Sir Neville Bland warned that :
2 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which make them beautiful considered in some , and that , if you think of that as a sort of mental object for a moment , is a very rich one .
3 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which makes them beautiful , considered in sum .
4 This new column by AI 's Urgent Action co-ordinator reports on some aspects of UAs which show they are working .
5 It was this change of circumstances which led me in announcing the making of the emergency order to say that W. 's wishes were no longer of weight .
6 Your repayments can be spread over one to 25 years , which gives you plenty of scope to achieve a level of repayments which suits you .
7 Cross-stitch can be worked either on evenweave fabric — woven with single threads ; Hardanger fabric — woven with double weft and warp threads ( horizontal and vertical threads ) ; or Aida — woven in blocks of threads which makes it easier to count holes and therefore suitable for beginners .
8 I have my doubts about the latter vision since archivists , librarians and museum creators deal with materials which are differentiated by the type of activities which created them , rather than simply by the physical form of those artefacts .
9 It rec , received a report therefore , from the Central Council of the World Counc , Council of Churches which meets I think , once a year Noel can correct me on this once a year , or a at least once every two years .
10 Goffman 's emphasis is upon a wide range of cues which tell us what kind of activity or behaviour we are engaged in .
11 The district benefited from the fact that it had comparative information on performance from a large range of providers which enabled them to take a more detached view of the strengths and weaknesses of its own unit , even though it also increased the complexity of contracting .
12 If we take it seriously , we will want to learn more about a range of factors which affect it .
13 They do not even have to be alike at all beyond some minimum range of conditions which puts them into the same political category .
14 Does it cover the sort of topics which interest you ?
15 I want to welcome obviously particularly er the order relating to Wales because it confers on Wales er one additional seat , giving us five altogether because of the rise in the Welsh population over the last ten years and that er although Wales was under represented under the previous erm er you know distribution of seats which gave us only four we will be slightly over represented when we have five because you simply ca n't have four and a half seats , it 's got to be one or the other but since the Welsh population is continuing to rise very rapidly then it is likely that that will be put right .
16 They had always been fed a diet of worksheets which led them along step by step — now they were thinking and making decisions for themselves .
17 She introduced him to priests , told him stories of saints which frightened him .
18 And so you can see by the Tolstoy approach to things the way in which erm choice is really very limited and there 's a great sweep of events which carries you on .
19 Descartes , indeed , was with the armies of Maximilian of Bavaria in 1619 at the very beginning of the Thirty Years War when , at Neuberg on the Danube , he had that sequence of dreams which convinced him that his mission was to seek out truth by means of reason .
20 But then what — ’ And I stopped as light flooded my mind and I saw clearly the chain of circumstances which connected us .
21 In likening natural science to religion , Winch is presenting both as ways of ordering experience by means of rules which tell us how to go on .
22 They result from their real essences , the arrangement of corpuscles which make them up .
23 Baker 's sanitary reports on the cholera in Tyneside , and on housing and environmental conditions in Leeds , included a use of maps which brought him to wider notice .
24 It had a big cairn of stones which made it quite distinctive .
25 Her season began unpromisingly with an attack of shingles which kept her out of action for a couple of weeks but she recovered quickly and so completely that in addition to compiling her formidable record on the golf course , she was able to cope more than adequately with her school exams .
26 Unlike Berkeley , they held that there are both ideas and a world of things which cause them .
27 His research on bereavement has led him to formulate a list of factors which make it possible to identify those likely to be at particular risk for psychiatric disorder .
28 He reels off a list of names which shows he is in good company : Graham Gooch , Allan Lamb , David Gower , Ian Botham …
29 Given a DC identifier and LIFESPAN username , the procedure PI_VIEW_DC_ASSESSMENT will request the assessment information ( assessor 's comments and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC ) .
30 This option enables you to view a Design Change ( DC ) assessor 's comment and the list of modules which make him an assessor for this DC .
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