Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In both Prestel and those sorts of things as you use the system you pay , and you pay for the telecommunications costs , you pay for the computer costs , and you pay for the information that you receive .
2 In both Prestel and those sorts of things as you use the system you pay , and you pay for the telecommunications cost , you pay for the computer cost and you pay for the information that you receive , and that sort of worthwhile sharing of information , I am sure , is going to grow .
3 Civil war was the spectre which haunted much of sixth-century Gaul , or so it seemed to Gregory of Tours as he wrote the preface to the fifth book of his Histories .
4 Patients were rather specific in their reporting of symptoms as they complained of heartburn or acid regurgitation only when the intraoesophageal pH was less than four .
5 Grace Carter , a DCR member , is pictured above wearing the first batch of badges as she chats to Mary Jordan about the idea .
6 But , in a sinister turn of events , firemen were stoned by gangs of youths as they tried to deal with several out-of-control bonfires on Merseyside .
7 APACHE II scores on admission to ICUs can not be used for comparison of performances of ICUs as they fail to take into account the influences that management prior to ICU admission , such as stabilisation in an operating theatre or ward , may have on physiological variables .
8 ‘ Live ’ voices are the voices of characters as they appear in the commercial — though they may , in fact , be recorded separately .
9 He could see the roof of Belmodes as he turned towards where Rose lived .
10 There was talk of resignations as they waited for the opinion polls .
11 Transparency and communication must be emphasised to re-establish the perceived independence and honesty of scientists as we move into newer and more complicated areas of technology .
12 The spacing of such steps on pointe is so minute and so fast that it is not possible to see the change of feet as one succeeds the other .
13 The driver spun the wheel as the Mercedes reached the end of the row of parked cars and it skidded sideways , the left corner of the rear bumper crumpling in a flash of sparks as it glanced off the wall .
14 When the teller announced the Magharba vote at 1235 , implying a Magharba majority , the Zuwaya immediately protested that Magharba were present who had no right to vote : after a check of identity cards some men left and they began the vote again , this time counting both groups of supporters as they passed behind their goals .
15 Do you do anything special on a Sunday or do you eat the same kind of things as you eat a normal day ?
16 Finally a UK-designed packaging plant wraps up palette loads of printers as they come off the production line .
17 Finally a UK-designed packaging plant wraps up palette loads of printers as they come off the production line .
18 We had a meeting on site , and Dave thought the best idea was to clear the overhead vegetation first ( volunteers ) , then cut the path with a bulldozer and let the lorries drive right through , dropping their loads of chippings as they went .
19 I can still hear the clatter of coins as they rained on the stage in a steady downpour of acclaim , a habit derived from the days of the gold rush .
20 Lorton could hear the clatter of saucepans as she prepared dinner .
21 Of particular concern in the research will be implications for the way wages and employment respond over business cycle and the implications for the wage and promotion profiles of employees as they age and approach retirement .
22 I threaten nothing , but sit on my branch , attentive as any other creature ; as slowly the forest reveals itself in the cry of a bird , the crash of a branch , the rustle of leaves as something moves through the forest litter ; the incessant percussive music of insects .
23 Further , it will document the experience of families as they moved out of the old tenements , often slums , into their new houses in the new schemes .
24 The study explored the experience of secondees as they prepared for secondment , adjusted to it , stabilised within it and finally departed from it .
25 This is not required if the relevant condition is that the parent undertaking holds a majority of the voting rights and holds the same proportion of shares as it holds voting rights
26 What we do find , however , is that women 's work is not so divorced from the work of men as it becomes in later times .
27 I got very depressed — there was no particular reason , just a lowering of spirits as I realized again that , for the foreseeable future , we were going nowhere .
28 But the meanings of the words seemed to dart away from her like a shoal of minnows as she advanced upon them , and she felt more uneasy still .
29 And the supposed unfairness , or disparity of treatment , between plaintiff and defendant is more apparent than real ; at least in the present context , discovery is a device beloved of plaintiffs as they seek relevant material on which to rest their claims .
30 The historians also fail us — in this country , at least — for they have not studied the topography of towns as they have in Germany and France .
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