Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This time is small compared with the time for a signal at the speed of light to travel from the detectors at one side of the experiment to those , 6 metres away , at the other side .
2 Furthermore , they designed the experiments to ensure the detected events were ‘ space-like separated ’ ; in other words , it was not possible for signals travelling at or below the speed of light to pass between the two measuring devices .
3 Recall that among the possible reasons for a loss of conditioned responding with a change of context was the generalization decrement that might be expected when the event designated by the experimenter as the CS is presented in a different context .
4 When it became light , waves of Chinese came across the river .
5 Hits are broken on the show and bands that have n't yet got a record deal are often booked to appear As a result of heavy plugging on The Hitman And Her , Virgin gave Sandra 's Everlasting Love a UK release , but as soon as it went top 40 the programme dropped it , claiming it was not about pop hits .
6 This is a fascinating historical testament for specialist collectors , pianofiles , and the curious-minded , which offers some tantalising glimpses of great playing through a haze of appallingly bad ( mono ) reproduction .
7 Despite the refusal of supporters of Zafy to participate in the new unity government , Razamasy said that it included members of the Movement for Proletarian Power ( MFM ) and the Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( MMSM ) .
8 It is an interesting thought that the numerical approach could be strengthened and made more acceptable if the number of units of good credited to a ‘ good ’ decision and then added to the Godhead , could be a factor of the numerical majority of individuals in sympathy with that decision .
9 Our investigations of casual working in the catering industry confirmed the impressions given by the data from the LFS that most casual workers did not want to work on a regular , continuous basis .
10 As frailty increases that kind of basic tending by the family may ease the terminal phase for everyone , practically and emotionally .
11 In the roof space , check the thickness of the insulation ( the standard is now 100mm/4in ) ; look carefully for signs of woodworm , particularly around the hatch , and for any signs of damp entering through the roof covering , especially at the eaves .
12 An hour of easy plodding over the glacier found us on a hideously loose moraine which we climbed precariously , balancing on huge boulders held loosely in a matrix of soft cement .
13 The structure of Sinhalese caste was unusual in that a majority of Sinhalese belonged to a single caste , the Goyigama , which was also traditionally the highest caste .
14 I was looking forward to a couple of hours of vigorous strolling in the company of what I assumed would be a garrulous , suitably eccentric English guide .
15 If we believe , and many of us do , in unitary local government — one door to knock on and one set of people to hold to account — we must give them something to do other than riding around in a civic car pretending that they are important and delivering nothing , responsive to no demands , not aspiring to change and improvement , and not even doing what the Conservatives of old did in the Chamberlain era when there was the sort of socialism that is now anathema to the Tory party .
16 The difference in phosphatidylethanolamine values between the two patient groups could perhaps be related to the type of cellular rarefaction typical of chronic atrophic gastritis and to the difference in quantity of inflammatory infiltrate between the two groups .
17 It was a scene of intense bustle at the mills , with scores of children busily at work , and from the Bonsor Mill the roar of the machinery , at times , penetrated down to the village itself .
18 A stupendous cinema epic , reduced to a sort of frantic scurrying in a goldfish bowl , might merely seem ridiculous .
19 I also got two fleshy herrings and a couple of smoked mackerel ( and a few tiny pieces of sole to put in the freezer as , sadly , John 's nephew and nice Irish girlfriend can not come to supper this weekend — they were IMMENSELY cheering and encouraging when here recently ) .
20 The conversation , the ‘ dinner of two complete courses , variety of wines and the regimental band of musick playing in the square ’ all enchanted Boswell , and according to him , Johnson too , whom he reports as saying , ‘ I shall always remember this fort with gratitude . ’
21 The sound of high-pitched wailing from the woods indicated that the village women were being held there , out of sight but close enough to hear what was going on .
22 To take the Liberals first , it had been a commonplace of political analysis over previous years to regard the Liberal vote as largely a product of temporary disillusion with the Tories following on periods of Tory government , as a protest vote .
23 The most commonly-used light source is a discharge lamp , generally with a collimating capillary which allows a pencil of light to escape into the sample region without permitting sample to flow back into the discharge .
24 I admire Mac because he has remained at the top of British sprinting for a decade through a lot of hard work .
25 He adds that ‘ anyone who has knowledge of masonic working in the higher degrees , will mark a part of one ceremony which maintains a record of this in its ritual . ’
26 The first movement has extraordinary expressive power and drama , with contrasts of mood very sharply drawn ; the Scherzo is a miracle of delicate playing at a very fast tempo ; and in the Andante Toscanini draws exquisitely tender and lyrical playing from the orchestra .
27 Two distinctive features of the cormorant are a patch of white feathers where the legs meet the body , and another area of white extending from the rear of one eye under the head to the rear of the other eye .
28 Such a system could incorporate images to be construed ; hold relevant information to be drawn upon as required ; include a capacity to enlarge or select from the image under consideration ; provide cues aimed at stimulating a search for undiscovered features or ideas and be partially interactive in a non-verbal mode by means of direct pointing with a light pen .
29 ‘ There are different levels of alert depending on the seriousness of the fire , ’ he explained .
30 At the other extremity of southern Siberia , a number of peoples on the lower reaches of the Amur river , such as the Nanais , Ulchas , Udeghes and Nivkhs , as well as the Itelmens and the Ainu of Kamchatkan lived in the forest , moving between winter and summer villages , making much use of dugout or plank-built boats , and feeding themselves largely by catching fish .
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