Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [noun pl] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 The twenty heads of British missions abroad in 1816 , when the effects of the country 's long political isolation during the Napoleonic wars were still being felt , had increased to thirty-seven by 1860 ( mainly because of the emergence of new independent states in Latin America ) ; but the changes of the 1860s swept away many of the smaller legations in Germany and Italy , and the establishment of diplomatic representatives in China , Japan and one or two other non-European countries in the second half of the century did not compensate for these losses .
2 For the size of the island , Madeira must have one of the highest concentrations of five-star hotels anywhere in the world .
3 Dowland 's Danish patron , Christian IV , sent musicians to study in Italy and two Danes , Hans Nielsen ( c. 1580–after 1620 ) and Mogens Pedersen ( c. 1585–1623 ) , worked in Venice with Giovanni Gabrieli and published books of five-part madrigals there in 1606 and 1608 .
4 The session had originally been called to debate the reform of the electoral system and to allow the sending of Japanese troops abroad in peacekeeping or disaster-relief roles — two pieces of legislation closely associated with Kaifu 's ambitions to secure election as LDP leader for a second term .
5 The existence of totalitarian states elsewhere in the world should be a source of anxiety for us all , rather than an excuse for falling standards at home .
6 Fortunately , the level of civil claims overall in the UK is a lot lower than in the US which is why at present premium rates are considered relatively cheap .
7 Cnut and Edward the Confessor had competent groups of secular clerks permanently in attendance : the chaplains of Edward formed a large , distinguished and cosmopolitan group .
8 The bat community on Barro Colorado Island is perhaps the most complex assemblage of sympatric mammals anywhere in the world , comprising 35 species , which can be arranged in nine feeding ‘ guilds ’ , based on diet and mode of food gathering .
9 It is therefore feasible to make projections of future trends only in the case of opioid use , and so the remainder of this section focuses on users of opioids , of whom 98.5 per cent ( 776 out of 788 ) primarily used heroin .
10 The presence of international factors even in the most domestically oriented changes can be seen by considering again the establishment of the welfare state .
11 He still retained property in Dudley , being the largest payer of poor rates there in 1649 ; apart from houses in the town , his land at Netherton Hall nearby was set down at 195¾ acres .
12 Employers in Japan use all of these methods to prevent the mobility of key workers especially in deferring pay from earlier to later years thereby rewarding highly continuous service to one company .
13 The deployment of particular arguments both in response to their opponents and when they went beyond those limits , revealed a family resemblance in fundamental ideas .
14 An issue of New Universities Quarterly in 1980 [ Vol. 35(1) ] contained several papers on the arts .
15 From information received it was thought that some illegal activity was afoot off the Teign estuary so Venturous and Valiant were detailed to keep watch on the movements of local vessels early in August , 1964 .
16 The company has also been commissioned to undertake the first quadrennial inspection of HM Customs and Excise 's portfolio of historic buildings both in Scotland and the north of England .
17 By 1939 Europe could meet her own needs of agricultural products only in olive oil and wine ; in 1880 she could still do much better than this .
18 I first met Paul in the Working Men 's Club days of twenty-odd years ago in Sunderland .
19 The birth of sociologie religieuse and the initial contributions of catholic institutions both in Europe and the USA to the founding of departments of sociology are rooted here rather than in the work of the founding fathers of the discipline , though clearly there are links between de Bonald , Maistre , and Durkheim on the nature of social solidarity and the concept of society , and authoritative Roman catholic social theorists .
20 In nine chapters he takes a score of technical topics always in the news and explains them clearly and readably .
21 Early research drew attention to the creation or extension of Royal Forests in the twelfth century , the establishment of Cistercian monasteries also in the twelfth century , and in particular the enclosure of arable land for pasture in the fourteenth , fifteenth and sixteenth centuries , all of which were often accompanied by well-documented evictions of peasants .
22 An upsurge in anti-Semitism , attributed in some quarters to the worsening economic situation , was a significant factor behind the emigration of Soviet Jews currently in record numbers .
23 SIB Guidance Release 1/93 discusses the concept of proper trades largely in terms of this distinction between wash and commercial trading .
24 Rather , the extraction of rights has been a constant struggle and remains a constant struggle — witness the undermining of social rights both in theory and practice .
25 They 're the stars of Steven Spielberg 's new film which will receive a charity screening tomorrow night to raise money to keep families of sick children together in hospital .
26 Maybe some other race of intelligent beings elsewhere in the galaxy will achieve a better balance between responsibility and aggression .
27 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
28 This contains a collection of tools for the design and development of parallel applications both in Fortran ( a nod towards the scientific community ) and C. The environment has to be running on at least one processor while the rest of the processors in the cluster need parallel client software installed .
29 The issue was raised by Phil Gallie , Conservative MP for Ayr , who protested at the actions of French fishermen yesterday in destroying £10,000 worth of fish en route from Ayr to Germany .
30 We may mention Joyce 's habit of running words together in unbroken compounds ( coffinlid , petticoatbodice ) , and Dickens 's talking clock in Dombey and Son ( Ch 11 ) , which overawes young Paul by its repetition of : " How , is , my , lit , tle , friend ? how , is , my , lit , tle , friend ? " .
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