Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] even in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The work of Feyerabend and Kuhn suggests that unqualified talk of progress even in the natural sciences is going too far .
2 ( 2 ) Chattel mortgage legislation does not apply to a genuine contract of hire even in the case of a sale and leaseback .
3 ( The shape of the monkey could be discerned by the eye of prejudice even in the Chinese and Japanese , as witness many a modern cartoon . )
4 A high hedge separated the garden from the adjoining apple orchard , and a massive horse chestnut tree completely umbrellad the whole area , giving it an aura of serenity even in the dark .
5 It must therefore be accompanied by an acceptance by the nuclear powers of ( 1 ) a renunciation of their use , including ( and especially ) a pledge of no-first-strike even in the event of a conventional attack ; and ( 2 ) the acceptance of a duty to disarm .
6 Women earn less than men , have lower hourly rates of pay even in the same occupation , are more likely to be employed part-time or in homeworking , and are more vulnerable to unemployment .
7 Leaving aside the numerous examples of the rise and fall of parties over the past century , there are many instances of change even in the relatively short period of time since the end of the Second World War .
8 For he later wrote the enigmatic poem To a Sea-cliff ( Durlston Head ) with its suggestion of estrangement even in the first year of their married life .
9 But there was no room in his account of the sociology of science for a review of the meanings that constitute the presuppositions of science even in a liberal democracy .
10 Perhaps the deep concern of the horsemen to keep their high standard of work even in the ordinary day-to-day ploughing can best be understood when we look at it against the background of a practice that was once common in many parts of Suffolk .
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