Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] to [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Self and Ernest Long , the secretary , devoted a good deal of thought to methods of budgetary control which would make decentralisation possible , but the headquarters engineers , still deeply distrustful of anything from Self , had little conception of the financial and management principles of decentralisation .
2 Until the reign of Mehmed II ( 1451–81 ) it is difficult to speak of a learned hierarchy since the practice of reserving the individual offices of state to men of a particular background and training whether to slaves of the Palace School system , to the ulema , or to men of the bureaucratic profession — had not yet become developed to any very great degree .
3 The importance of loss of mother to rates of adult depression was confirmed .
4 Clement of Alexandria 's principal achievement was his trilogy : ( 1 ) an Exhortation to conversion ( Protreptikos ) , in the style of ancient homilies commending the study of philosophy to men of affairs inclined to think it a waste of time ; ( 2 ) the Paidagogos or Tutor , providing a guide to ethics and etiquette , which is a major source for social history of the age ; ( 3 ) Stromateis , or Miscellanies , a deliberately rambling work , constantly changing the subject , but from which the discerning reader can reconstruct a remarkable , carefully thought out system .
5 Discourse deixis has to do with the encoding of reference to portions of the unfolding discourse in which the utterance ( which includes the text referring expression ) is located .
6 The scope , as indicated , may be very large , ranging from the borders of anaphora to issues of topic/comment structures .
7 Some attribute this surge of investment to ties of family and culture which helped Chinese living in Taiwan and Hong Kong to invest in countries like Indonesia and Thailand , where ethnic Chinese dominate commerce .
8 Teachers of these classes need to know the extent , and the limits , of special provision , and to be in a position to identify and meet continuing needs , and to explore the relevance for all pupils using English of the understanding that has developed specifically in relation to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages .
9 Their passage startled birds and invisible animals out of their path with shrieks of warning to others of their kind .
10 What , then , justifies the attribution of content to exercises of evolved forms of behaviour ?
11 These ‘ cardinal points ’ , they now proposed , should find expression through a series of experimental poems in which Coleridge was to concern himself with subjects ‘ supernatural , or at least romantic ’ , and Wordsworth was to ‘ give the charm of novelty to things of every day ’ , seeking for characters and incidents ‘ such … as will be found in every village ’ .
12 Coleridge said that Wordsworth 's object was ‘ to give the charm of novelty to things of everyday , and to excite a feeling analogous to the .
13 It was difficult to talk with the engine going , and I stared down through fifty or sixty feet of water to patches of pale rock starred black with sea-urchins .
14 Discussion turned from the question of principle to questions of practice : how change was to be effected and what post-emancipation society was to look like .
15 However , there is no likelihood of harm to members of the public associated with any of the items which have been found .
16 Gwytherin became a place of pilgrimage to followers of her cult .
17 In that refusal of personhood to moments of partiality is the hidden root of fascism .
18 Between 1695 and 1705 four attempts were made to restrict membership of Parliament to men of landed wealth , in the belief that men of such independent means would be less susceptible to Court bribery , until eventually a Land Qualification Bill was passed in 1711 .
19 The TV set has become a point of entry to worlds of personal fantasy .
20 A further consequence of benefit to employers of this nuclear-family form , is that it places women in a weak position when competing on the labour market .
21 This view of prose narrative is rather different from the one implied in the Anglo-American tradition which , in its reading of fiction has systematically subordinated questions of ryuzhet to questions of realism .
22 The new concept of form reached its fullest expression to date in the work of Picasso done at Horta de San Juan , and some sheets of drawings which date from the early days of his return to Paris , show Picasso methodically applying the Cubist concept of form to objects of different kinds and shapes : to a human head , a box , an apple and so on .
23 Mr Cunningham had asked Mr Lamont to ‘ extend taxation of income to members of the Royal Family who are currently excluded . ’
24 As one of their members , Hugh Dalton ( who was to be Chancellor of the Exchequer when family allowances were first paid in 1946 ) wrote in an article advocating family allowances : ‘ We would raid the luxuries of the rich to give a chance of life to children of the poor ’ ( New Leader 29 January 1926 ) .
25 Only one of the statutes accords the title of gentleman to landowners of this magnitude , yet it is clear that a great many , if not most of them , laid claim to the style even at the risk of carrying a bigger sail than they could bear .
26 Considerable changes in alcohol treatment policy have taken place , marked in particular by a shift from specialist to community care ; an increased role for the voluntary sector and primary health care ; and a change in definitions of alcoholism from theories of disease to concepts of problem alcohol use .
27 He is also a secretary of Envis that is the commission of covenant to churches of which we are all members of churches .
28 The 1982 reorganisation tried to simplify some of the worst complexities of 1974 by pruning the consultative machinery , abolishing the area tiers , simplifying the planning machinery and advocating greater devolution of decision-making to units of management at the level of hospitals and community services .
29 As often happens , this younger generation of ‘ Tractarians ’ who were leading the crusade on the side of ‘ collectivism ’ joined forces with the older generation like J. A. Macfadyen who had remained Calvinist in their views and ‘ deplored the modern nondenominational spirit , the temper of indifference to questions of church order ’ , the spirit which saw local churches as ‘ mere voluntary associations for religious purposes , with power to determine their own polity and prescribe their own sphere of action ’ .
30 THE Foyle Civic Trust has sent a message of support to members of the Armagh Civic Trust after the town centre bomb attack destroyed historic buildings .
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