Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [conj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 On Feb. 1 the Greek and Turkish Prime Ministers , respectively Konstantinos Mitsotakis and Suleyman Demirel , jointly issued a seven-point communiqué during the World Economic Forum in Davos , Switzerland [ see p. 38795 ] ; it noted that the two governments were planning to conclude an accord of friendship and co-operation later in the year and that they were working together towards a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus issue under UN auspices .
2 Working with children , I often find myself thinking that their young minds have been deprived of innocence , and usually a good deal of fun and happiness along with it .
3 These are related , however , if the first is a matter of central belief to a person , as it often is with religion — what they spend a great deal of time and effort on , what makes them tick .
4 I know that a very large number of people get a great deal of pleasure and fun out of gambling .
5 If the powder is not completely dissolved , place the bowl in a saucepan of water and heat gently or heat in the microwave for 20sec — do not let the gelatine boil .
6 If the public ( and opinion formers among scientific journalists ) have reliable information about the evidence of efficacy for methods of diagnosis and treatment then the public need not be deceived by quacks and sincere practitioners will have an incentive to validate their methods by appropriate clinical trials .
7 The tower was about 10 metres high and had solid masonry of brick and stone about 2 metres thick .
8 In the last reports they were able to compile , in April 1940 , Sopade observers were still noting that ‘ many prefer to keep Hitler than to envisage what could come after a defeat ’ , that fear of chaos and revolution still predominated among the bourgeoisie , but that ‘ there is no doubt that up to now the majority of the people is still convinced of Germany 's victory ’ .
9 It preferred , apparently , to revel blindly in its senses , as though life were no more than a rout of appetite and sensation rather than the dream of gold she sought to share .
10 Some deliberately seek high concentrations of brine and others regularly withstand being frozen solid .
11 The consequent mix of anxiety and depression both in the short term and in the long term is frequently misdiagnosed as Manic Depression .
12 Images of urbanism and modernism aggressively projected by the mass media act as a powerful pressure on rural young people to move to the towns even though living conditions there may be vastly inferior to those which they leave .
13 The thesis of Jakobson 's ‘ Closing statement ’ is that in poetic language relationships of equivalence or similarity not only concern absent items , but also become dominant present factors in the verbal sequence — that the two aspects of what he calls the ‘ bipolar structure of language ’ ( 1956 : 78 ) in a sense merge .
14 They are atypical in that the approach adopted focuses on social and historical aspects of language and language-use rather than on language as a set of abstract forms .
15 He operates from Southern California and sends words of hope and encouragement worldwide .
16 And was it really the crime of passion that Wilde eloquently records ?
17 Similarly , having chosen to use a large Chorus , John Doyle has not developed their ritual of voice and movement far enough .
18 personal conversations are not independent of media news , however , since their content often consists of a review of information and opinion originally derived from the press or television .
19 The Department of Education and Science also offers bursaries for certain postgraduate courses in the Humanities ( mainly diploma courses ) , and makes available a limited number of awards for masters courses in Information Science .
20 The Department of Education and Science therefore took over the enlarged responsibilities of the Ministry created by Butler in 1944 , and Quintin Hogg ( who had divested himself of his peerage in the hope of succeeding Macmillan as Prime Minister ) became the first Secretary of State .
21 Contact The Department of Leisure & Tourism on .
22 More positively , the Labour Party 's spokesman has suggested , among other things , that auditors should inform the Department of Trade and Industry whenever they qualify a set of accounts .
23 He has called on the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , to ensure that the Scottish Office or the Department of Trade and Industry urgently investigates the condition of the Scottish manufacturing base .
24 In a discussion document published on 11 June the Department of Trade and Industry also sought views on extending this exemption to areas where the auditor 's only relationship with an associate company providing non-audit services to a client is as a trustee .
25 There was a time when Ministers in the Department of Trade and Industry not only discussed these matters with the industries but directed them .
26 The Department of Trade and Industry alone has spent £1.5 billion in the past 10 years in the hon. Gentleman 's region , the success of which is shown by the success of local businesses and industry .
27 The Secretary of State at the Department of Trade and Industry then has complete liberty to accept or reject these recommendations , and to decide whether , and how , they should be acted upon .
28 Indeed , the Department of Trade and Industry actually agrees with cuts in training imposed by the Department of Employment .
29 Sins of commission or omission far more usually cause such problems .
30 Man-management is about the maintenance of structure and morale so that all can give of their best .
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