Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [adv] with the " in BNC.

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1 For the popular protestant version , one which is still shared probably by a majority of clergymen within the protestant denominations of the North , the church re-emerges after centuries of misguidance only with the Reformation .
2 The loss of personality along with the total loss of short-term memory is very exhausting to live with .
3 A lot of my work includes routing grooves for 5/8in and 3/4in boards , and it takes some time achieving the right width of groove even with the appropriate cutter .
4 After a few months of wrestling unsuccessfully with the strong weeds , the house was delighted to see activity in the grounds .
5 Table IV shows the numbers of cases of cancer together with the age standardised rates in children aged 0–14 years for each diagnostic group in the three study areas during 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
6 Half a tick — I 've got a bit of bumph somewhere with the drill in case of air raids . ’
7 ‘ On a 500 you 're really only washing a bit of speed off with the front .
8 I paid for a tub of polyripple already with the stuff in it
9 To generate the same type of report again with the same or a different set of inputs , the user should enter Y ( Yes ) and press RETURN .
10 But attribution could only be meaningful if trade union representatives on company boards everywhere and always accepted wholeheartedly the duties of ownership along with the rights , so changing the role of the unions fundamentally and abandoning any pretence to industrial democracy .
11 Or , and this is the near-certain probability , constrained by their accountability to the membership , the trade union representatives would not accept the duties of ownership along with the rights , could not ‘ change sides ’ .
12 So it our recommendation that it is premature at this pro frozen moment of time particularly with the additional thoughts of the inner northern relief road to be considering in a structure plan a western relief road .
13 Increased possibilities of travel together with the effects of immigration have also made possible a wider knowledge of the world 's religious traditions .
14 If he had his way , and we signed up for the social chapter , those extra costs would have to be met out of those pay packets and there 'd be even less for people to take in wages so the honourable gentleman should n't be complaining about low pay when he wants to add to the costs of employment along with the rest of his party .
15 At Christmas and Easter records are printed over the next three working days ready for collection by students on the first day of term along with the two to three hundred letters from the Assistant Dean .
16 The depression spread across class lines : bank clerks , graduates from the universities , teachers and other members of the middle class faced the horrors of unemployment along with the industrial worker and the farm labourer .
17 As we all know , the nuclear households of married children may continue to be linked by effective bonds of kinship both with the residual households of their parents and of their married siblings ; but such continuing linkage is optional and , in practice , very variable .
18 We need to know your name , age , address and telephone number , the species caught , weight , tackle used and any further details of capture together with the venue .
19 Some proposals for block contracts ( DoH 1989f ) at first sight do appear to be population based , eg ‘ the DHA might , for example , require a specified number of beds to be available to a DHA 's residents whenever required for a defined area of treatment together with the appropriate facilities for treatment ’ , but this does not indicate who is responsible when these beds are all occupied and more ( emergency ) cases arrive .
20 The importance of further and continuing education is that valuable opportunities can be offered for individual self-appraisal and for the reassessment of potential together with the recognition of previous learning .
21 In this form , the Flexifoil acquires its own optimum angle of attack to the ‘ apparent ’ airflow ( more on this later under ‘ The Flight Envelope ’ ) and achieves speeds far greater than actual wind strengths.This is a resultant of the thrust component derived from a forward centre of pressure together with the efficiency of the developed aerofoil section .
22 The photons which approached the crystal were in a state which was a superposition of that state of polarisation together with the state of polarisation parallel to the optical axis .
23 In Freudian terms , I had taken upon myself the typically female neurosis of hysteria along with the typically male one of obsessiveness .
24 This was closely associated with its perceived ‘ complexity ’ and the superimposition of paint along with the conception of these areas in terms of a broken mass of colour .
25 Is there any hope that he as Secretary of State along with the Home Office minister , might get round a table with South Wales police to sort the problems out because on the ground the seriousness is about the growing problems of crime and law and in fact the lack of in fact , policeman on the beat .
26 The five of them eyed each other stiff-faced and stiff-necked , drank a glass of wine together with the earl to seal their new friendship , and parted in complete mutual understanding and distrust .
27 A question to the effect ‘ Have you any other licence for this vehicle or have you ever passed a Ministry of Transport test for this vehicle ? ’ can be put to the defendant and entered in the officer 's statement of evidence together with the negative reply .
28 It is worth looking at , for from it sprang his fund of knowledge along with the all-important Jewish scriptures and his family 's experiences with them in eastern Europe .
29 Thus , each District became accountable to the Board of Education for the observance of the Regulations , for the efficient conduct of instruction together with the organisation of the provision which included approval of tutors and syllabuses .
30 This course is designed to give graduates a sound grasp of the core material of management together with the specific knowledge and skills needed to prepare for a managerial career in the clothing industry .
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