Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think this is one of the essentials in Harlow and something that people should not forget , that is that , although there is a great deal of criticism possibly of the standard of building that went on over the years of the Development Corporation , compared with what most people came from , there was a very great elevation both in quality and in ideas .
2 Being organised can take a great deal of worry out of a single life .
3 Mrs McDougall was in her kitchen taking a batch of bread out of the oven .
4 This explained why it had not been possible to get four separate channels of sound out of the record .
5 The human females were taking trays of food out of the wall .
6 Her ability to achieve consensus in sensitive decisions was never at the price of individual promise or doctrinaire cost-cutting , and she was a resolute opponent of any moves to take books of quality out of the teaching of English .
7 I 've got a knackered left arm where the car went over it ; they took a piece of bone out of the shoulder , so there 'll need to be a lot of physio on it .
8 EVEN in these less affluent times , there are those who are happy to buy expensive , muddy carrots instead of bright orange ones at half the price , or an expensive piece of beef instead of a cut-price special offer .
9 He stood up and went over to an escritoire and took a piece of paper out of a drawer .
10 Harvey got a piece of canvas out of the front of the car and then pike took his overcoat off and they wrapped the coat into the canvas and strapped it up very tight on a long strap , the other end of which they fixed to the belt of Ralph pike 's overalls .
11 , Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council has announced plans to take more than 3,000 acres of land out of the green belt in order to facilitate economic regeneration in the area .
12 Mick Feeney , a Barlinnie delegate , seconding the motion , said : ‘ The unit was of great benefit to the service because we could get the ringleaders of trouble out of the system for a while .
13 Guards should properly refer to ‘ switching on the darks ’ , since what they call lights seem expressly designed to suck all traces of illumination out of the carriage , casting shadows into every corner .
14 Er , fifteen er , schemes that were actually funded by the Department of Health out of a hundred and fifty bids , and the funding available , a hundred and fifty thousand pounds per year , er , up to the period er , ending thirty first of March ninety five .
15 Five minutes footage a day is good going and they use only 1 foot of film out of every 15 feet shot .
16 Purchase of Target out of a group of companies
17 He got one last bit of mileage out of the Hiss case .
18 I sometimes like to think it was my eloquence , but the fact of the matter is that if I had got up on my hind legs and suggested a bit of Karaoke instead of the morning service , they would have leaped at it .
19 It is absolutely essential that each parcel should be described with such particularity and precision that there is no room for doubt about the boundaries of each , and for such purposes if a plan is intended to control the description of part only of a building , an Ordnance map on a scale of 1:2500 is worse than useless ( Scarfe v Adams [ 1981 ] 1 All ER 843 ) .
20 Thus , the 700 base pairs of homology downstream of the PstI site ( 23 , 30 ) was sufficient for integration into an intact beta-tubulin gene to occur .
21 The two ideologies are by and large products of the revolution or in the case of liberalism perhaps of the of enlightened attitudes .
22 She could make a unique work of art out of the simplest dance , as fragments filmed in the 1920s show .
23 In Hampstead : Building a Borough , 1650–1964 ( 1974 ) Professor F. M. L. Thompson has shown how the old settlement preserved its isolated character well into the nineteenth century because it lay off the main lines of communication out of the capital .
24 Dame Sirith has 397 lines of dialogue out of a total of 450 .
25 David took two quarter bottles of champagne out of the mini-bar , and collected two tooth mugs .
26 The length of the line to the right of this vertical thread showed the quantity of material ahead of the actual progress of the vehicle .
27 To her shock and horror his head swooped down and as his mouth claimed hers so impassionately a flash of hope surged in her heart like a spear of lightning out of a blackened sky .
28 Whether or not the decision was motivated by tenderness towards motorists is hard to tell , but there was certainly some logic in keeping offences of negligence out of the ‘ unlawful act ’ doctrine when a separate head of manslaughter by gross negligence already existed .
29 The formulation and implementation of a national energy policy was the first priority of the new president in domestic politics , and , as he saw it , some sort of test both of the governability of the United States and of his exercise of leadership , ‘ Our decision about energy will test the character of the American people and the ability of the President and the Congress to govern this nation . ’
30 His book starts , for instance , by making a sort of sense out of a nonsense letter of Lear 's of 1862 and proceeds from there , through a rag-bag of examples , towards a theory of the Remainder which now becomes central rather than marginal , or at least just as central as the rules of Langue .
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