Example sentences of "[noun] of [det] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Elections for 105 seats in the 151-member Tsogdu are by universal suffrage of all adults over the age of 17 ; 10 are reserved for religious bodies and the remainder are occupied by officials , ministers and members of the Royal Advisory Council .
2 The history of conflict between the peoples of this region over the centuries was interpenetrated by episodes in which it was subject to the imperial development of Rome , Macedon , Byzantium and the various peoples that streamed out of Central Asia into Persia and beyond .
3 It appeared that output and employment in one period were correlated with lagged values of these variables over the phase of the business cycle .
4 One advantage of this system over the software-intensive approach is immediately apparent : the voltage-controlled oscillator 's [ put is continuously variable , so the maximum operating speed of the motor is no longer restricted by its ability to " jump " between discrete stepping rates .
5 In the crazy world of classic cars , where old Ferraris and Aston Martins fetch silly money , and Jaguar E-types have gone through the roof , the rise and rise of these exotics over the past two or three years has lifted values down the line .
6 They were old friends whose support of each other over the years in the trials and tribulations of love affairs , marriages , jobs , lonelinesses , had become far more important to each than any possible physical flutter .
7 Ricardo reportedly stated that the government did not have to participate in any type of negotiation on the matter and defined repatriation as a sovereign act of any government over the status of illegal aliens residing in its territories .
8 We feel that the experiences of some staff over the last few months would be beneficial to all people who travel overseas , and so we have collated various pieces of information which we hope will be useful to you .
9 This is a most useful provision that has come to the assistance of many tenants over the years .
10 Bill Filip , president of the Advanced Workstation Division says RS/6000 business has grown 50% in the first half of this year over the corresponding period last year , putting it right on course to achieve its target , he believes .
11 The question of any appeal over the undue leniency of this sentence is under consideration .
12 There had been intensive campaigning by the proponents of each city over the preceding months .
13 Ergo , we have to look , I think , at the record of this company over the last few years and as the chairman said in his introductory remarks the growth in the company , the growth in the earnings per share , has been very remarkable .
14 The driver , with the predictability of all motorists over the last few weeks , commented on the petrol crisis , overcharged grossly , and drove off into the night .
15 It is easiest to understand the modern methods for measuring electrical activity from the brain by looking at the development of these methods over the past hundred years or so .
16 In addition , it is feared that methods of collecting the community charge by establishing a register of all residents over the age of 18 may result in those who can not afford the tax not completing their electoral registration forms , as this may alert the authorities to their liability for the community charge ( or Poll Tax as it has become known ) .
17 At a higher level there was a string Patty cut up a , but the extension of this string over the errorful portion lowered the score of the string relative to other interpretations .
18 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
19 While depending on assumptions being built in about priorities and free periods they relieve the manager of any responsibilities over the final decision .
20 So do n't be too surprised if it is the subject of some mirth over the next few months , in the run up to its £800m flotation on the Stock Exchange .
21 In addition , we can now indicate , in Table 6.2 , the frequency of each role over the whole evaluation period .
22 In India , the Bombay Stock Exchange is to use 50 Sun servers to support some 3,000 personal computers running alongside an ICL mainframe to automate its trading floor — the deal is worth a total of some $30m over the next 12 months : Sun 's contribution is being handled by its distributor Wipro Infotech .
23 ( e ) Receipted mortgages Unless the mortgagee has his or her own solicitor , it 's for the seller 's conveyancer to prepare and obtain the discharge of any mortgage over the property , and this is a reminder to prepare , in the case of a registered title , the Discharge of Registered Charge ( LR form 53 ) , or in the case of an unregistered title the usual statutory receipt endorsed on the original mortgage .
24 The mill passed through the hands of many millers over the centuries , finally ceasing operations in the mid-1950s .
25 We can expect an acceleration of such activity over the coming week if the weather remains mild and we are likely to start hearing of our first summer visitors also .
26 At Bucharest the Turks had promised an amnesty for the Serbian rebels , but before the sultan 's authority could be established , the Turkish , Albanian and Bosnian Muslims who formed the occupying army pillaged and looted in a reign of terror which included the killing of all males over the age of fifteen in some areas , the enslavement of women and children , and the brutal torture of any Serbian leaders who fell into their hands .
27 I seem to have collected an awful lot of those parking-tokens over the last few months .
28 I think I am only saying that anyone who has followed the history of this controversy over the last twenty years will already see reason to think that the friction produced by quarrelling among good causes is enormous and it is a luxury that we simply can not afford .
29 It predicts that , despite tougher standards for new cars , the problem is likely to increase for some years to come , largely as a result of a lack of any controls over the emissions of vehicles already on the road .
30 Table 6.1 shows the distribution of PNP Scale l/MPG roles revealed by the survey of all schools over the period 1986–9 .
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