Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] own for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What is clear however , is that when hearing appeals from the Secretary of State as to whether there has been a material change of use , the courts have consistently held that the question is one of fact and have declined to substitute any decision of their own for that of the Secretary of State .
2 In addition , each site has the facility to set up codes of its own for local use .
3 As the report points out , resources must be made available to those who enter residential care with no resources of their own for those ’ little extras ’ .
4 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
5 She had had no life of her own for several years ; if she went out for half an hour , she had to leave messages all round the flat , telling Yury she 'd be back soon , otherwise he would panic .
6 This brief has been fulfilled with distinction , and every three or four months for the past 20 years the office has produced an objective , well-documented , literate , and attractively presented booklet encapsulating the known facts about subjects ranging from suicide , rabies and heart disease , to the cost of running hospitals and what the public expects from the NHS , always adding a few percipient comments and conclusions of its own for good measure .
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