Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] i [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But the case where , choosing my words carefully with full consciousness of what I am doing , I deliberately pronounce on the nature of my present sensory state is not one of them .
2 Er most of the accounts of what I 'm discussing er are pretty well near fiction .
3 At this stage a very smart young officer got out , immaculate in the rig of what I was to learn was the American Army Air Corps .
4 Kermode sees this change — which is at the heart of what I am writing about — as having radical implications for letters , comparable to such things as the advent , first of printing and then of cheap paper ; the bourgeoisie 's greater leisure for private reading ; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel , which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century : Kermode exaggerates a little , I think ; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form .
5 ‘ Christ , is n't it bad enough that I have to scrape for every bloody penny to do a piece of vital research , without being forced to turn my project into a circus for a lot of gawping idiots who wo n't have the least comprehension of what I 'm trying to do ?
6 Central Television came and made an interview/ documentary film for their weekly current affairs programme Central Lobby , during the course of which I was seen driving around the neighbourhood , first preceding and then followed by the camera crew .
7 When I insisted , she flew into a rage , and the newly-weds had a very public row in the course of which I was termed a wet-rag and a killjoy who was too old to have fun any more .
8 Madam Deputy Speaker I was gon na give a very illustrative example of what I 'm talking about but perhaps I will allow the house to have that example on another occasion because I actually would prefer not to be er er er prevented from giving you the most vivid story of what I 'm talking about .
9 Er , but we will in the latter half of what I 'm doing , er , come on to the work organiser .
10 Rather I will draw out my criticisms of what I am calling ‘ theoretical reformism ’ to the point where the need for more radical approaches like Spender 's can be appreciated more clearly .
11 Yet the central thrust of what I was trying to say still strikes me as having some validity .
12 Your comment that the central thesis of my lecture does not stand up stems from a misunderstanding of what I was trying to say .
13 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
14 One night I was so touched by yet another account of his plight that I said , without realising the full implications of what I was saying , that there was a spare bedroom in Mrs Smith 's house .
15 I used to wonder whether they were actually taking in the meaning of what I was saying , or just listening to the accent .
16 It now appears that , in addition to this , I will be expected to part with a further portion of my income as a graduate tax to pay for my education , the last three years of which I am spending in hospitals , not only studying , but assisting on a voluntary basis with essential clinical procedures and tests .
17 One of my best-known remarks was when I was Chancellor and Geoffrey Howe was my opponent , and he made a rather damaging criticism of what I was doing and I did n't want to spend time on that .
18 Yet , while other factors ( such as structure ) cause most of the breakdowns , it is undeniable that your faulty perceptions of what I am saying , and my faulty perceptions of what you are saying , can cause a whole chain of problems .
19 Unamuno also wrote : ‘ Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion ’ — a very Zen Buddhist concept of which I was to learn the truth in Salamanca .
20 In spite of myself I was forced to ask , " What do you mean ?
21 I find now that I can take a little comfort for acting beyond my authority and without Don Bennett 's knowledge of what I was doing .
22 The dreadfulness of what I am doing to her , what I am going to do to her makes me feel ill .
23 a little portion of what I 'm paying for the heel .
24 Wood ( 1978 , 1980 ) raises the interesting question of whether double dissociations are really a good sign of what I am calling complementary modular organization .
25 As soon as my mother saw the train on its way , we took the renowned Edinburgh cable car to a photographer at Piershill to have my very first picture taken , which was a shouted instruction as my father disappeared into the darkness of a Princes Street tunnel and the acrid smoke of what I was told to be a " Puffing Billy " .
26 Madam Deputy Speaker I was gon na give a very illustrative example of what I 'm talking about but perhaps I will allow the house to have that example on another occasion because I actually would prefer not to be er er er prevented from giving you the most vivid story of what I 'm talking about .
27 If I can give you an example of what I 'm talking about , part of the information we receive of course is erm surface , weather reports taken by weather observers at all sorts of places across the face of the earth .
28 from the Personnel department asking for details of what I was offering because the medical reports had now gone to the medical officer .
29 It 's you who needs to know the seriousness of what I 'm saying , Richard .
30 ‘ I 've never hurt anyone with a challenge or anything like that , so I 'm in control of what I 'm doing on the pitch .
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