Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The Head of Department said that he was concerned that the recommendations for action by the Senior Management Team would be overlooked as a result of their going on to review the Maths department , ‘ which has 15 teachers ’ .
2 The guidelines require a farmer to be compensated for the loss of ‘ anticipated future profits ’ as a result of his agreeing not to invest in certain agricultural improvements .
3 ‘ And how well those temptress lips of yours know how to lie . ’
4 He wanted her back , regardless , but some part of him wanted desperately to know the real truth .
5 Accounting errors were to blame for eight kg , but the plant was shut down and part of it cleaned out to find the rest .
6 On the other hand , the rest of us have yet to realise that computer literacy will soon be as essential as driving a car .
7 The rest of us settled down to wait .
8 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
9 Considered purely as a recital by Golani , this was a riveting evening : in such a degree of intimacy her restless prowling , crouching , rising to full height , even stamping , combines with the intense commitment of her playing not to impede the music but to dramatise it , to add a further dimension to its urgency .
10 A wife 's promise not to go to court to seek maintenance from her estranged husband was deemed to be void as being contrary to public policy and , consequently , the husband 's promise to pay her money in consideration of her agreeing not to go to court was made without consideration and also void : Gaisberg v. Storr [ 1950 ] 1 K.B.107 , but see now , Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , S.34 , below , p. 220 .
11 You tell me how any of us could have chucked him over the balustrade even if the whole lot of us got together to do it .
12 ‘ We want the pair of them struck off to prevent them doing the same thing again , ’ he said .
13 ‘ When the pair of you went off to find your tent , what happened ? ’
14 A few minutes earlier Ruth would have welcomed the idea of everyone going off to sleep ( not that Sean showed any sign of doing so ) as an opportunity for her to indulge in her own thoughts , but the fits of uninhibited laughter had restored her to something nearer to normality , and at last she was present with her companions in mind as well as in the flesh .
15 This difference , together with the obliquity , made it necessary on the one hand to excavate to a considerable depth at the bottom and to add a 30 foot embankment of made ground at the top , involving a vast amount of earth moving that , on the face of it seems hardly to have been necessary .
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