Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] [noun] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 She sighed and scraped a little dry clay from under her nails , letting the words of her book flow over her eyes .
2 He hung to the rail and let the top part of his body curl over the banister and his dangling head could catch the full undistracted view of the dark , clear mass , seething below .
3 Greek Intelligence must have been taking a more than passing interest in the activities of our friend Andropulos over a long period , years I would think .
4 And the two of them shuffling in with the hoods of their duffel coats over their heads and their school scarves pulled over noses and mouths like a pair of monks doing the rounds during the Black Death .
5 Patients kept a detailed record of their food consumption over a three day period before their first follow up appointment in the maintenance phase of the study and also described their normal physical activity .
6 His lips parted a little , and she rubbed the pad of her index finger over the edge of his bottom teeth .
7 ‘ This is the model our analysts have come up with for the development of our leisure interests over the next few years .
8 St Ives shouted , ‘ Can you hear me , mother ? ’ , and everyone laughed , and then Meredith pulled the hood of his duffle coat over his eyes and lay full length in the centre aisle and moaned .
9 The H pylori antibody positivity rate of 39% of young adults in 1969 is somewhat higher than that reported by other surveys and the consistency of our antibody results over the 21 year period that the testing is valid .
10 One of the major features of the growth of our education system over the last thirty-five years has been the enormous increase in provision of higher education .
11 At last he was naked and she felt the rough touch of his skin slide over her , bearing her down .
12 The estimated cost of its building maintenance over the coming decade is £10 million .
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