Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the US election , commentators are bemoaning the lack of international issues , but they are still markedly more present than here : President George Bush and Bill Clinton are arguing over how and when to help the former Soviet states , Clinton is proposing to allow Japan and Germany on to the Security Council of the UN , all candidates have a figure for American troop presence in Europe , ranging from Bush 's 150,000 to Jerry Brown 's 1,000 , with a European force of 1,000 stationed in the US .
2 In the House of Representatives , controlled by the Democratic Party since 1956 , the party won 259 seats , a net loss of eight compared with the 1990 result .
3 It is an interesting thought that the numerical approach could be strengthened and made more acceptable if the number of units of good credited to a ‘ good ’ decision and then added to the Godhead , could be a factor of the numerical majority of individuals in sympathy with that decision .
4 In the dairy ring an entry of 51 sold to a top of £1,430 , £1,310 and £1,230 all paid to R & E Arthur , Knowehead , Templepatrick .
5 In the suckler ring an entry of 49 sold to a top of £1,460 and £1,300 for two pedigree Charolais cows with bull calves at foot .
6 Amnesty said that the torture of those detained by the army and police was a daily routine , and that it had received reports of more than 200 cases of torture over the past two years , but believed the true figure to be much higher .
7 Other theorists ( e.g. Mackintosh and Reese 1979 ) ( see also Wagner 1981 ) attribute the effect to competition between stimuli at a perceptual level , suggesting that because of some limited capacity mechanism , attention can be paid to one component only at the expense of that paid to the other .
8 Those politicians who were connected with the Administration found that the year 1716 produced a bumper crop of solicitations for the pardon of those implicated in the Rising of the previous year .
9 And Stena Sealink claimed that the total market had grown by a mammoth 39pc over the first four months of 1993 compared with the previous year .
10 You feel the weight of that compared to a gateau box .
11 This was an advance from the figure of nineteen claimed by the defence on the pleadings .
12 The guns , which fire blanks , are exact replicas of those fired in the Wild West .
13 In court the young women were cross-examined at length and accounts of this published in the press .
14 have steps been taken to optimise the behavioural response of those affected by the change ; for example , the effect of transfer of work and changes in roles between clerical staff and decision-makers ?
15 The response of those engaged in the arduous labours which led to the conclusion of the Convention is no doubt not dissimilar to that of the scholar who writes a book on the doctrine of unconscionability in contract law and is then taken to task by a reviewer for his failure to cover breach and termination — in other words , for not writing a different book .
16 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
17 It seems this is a risk employers must take , although it is reduced when the employer consults and investigates the wishes of those affected before the move .
18 They shared their responsibilities for the smooth running of Zone I with the enthusiasm of those bound by a loveless marriage .
19 Trade unionists gathered at the factory yesterday in support of those sacked by the company on Wednesday .
20 The majority of these focused on the clash ( judged from their own knowledge of the world ) between the eighteenth century and the petrochemical refinery .
21 In Canada , the federal Law Reform Commission stated in its Report that ‘ the great majority of those consulted by the Commission on this question favoured total abolition of the spousal immunity , ’ and this was accomplished in 1982 .
22 When Pennant visited it in 1772 there were three farmers living in it with their stock and crops and at times in the summer months as many as twelve families were known to stay in it at once and it was the headquarters of those employed in the manufacture ( if kelp .
23 the expense , and thus the infrequency and relative brevity , of meetings of those engaged in the scientific work ;
24 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
25 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
26 A further difficulty lay in the fact that until recently section 4(2) orders were not subject to challenge either by way of appeal or , in the case of those issued by the Crown Court , by judicial review .
27 The proportion of this paid in the Wales LFA is unknown because such statistics are not available from the Welsh Office Agriculture Department .
28 ‘ However , it was interesting to discover that the sales department contained a high proportion of those born under the sign of Aries and Gemini ; that the accounts department seemed to be mainly staffed by Virgos and Capricorns — all very careful with their own money , as well as the company 's ! ’
29 Is my hon. Friend aware that a large proportion of those employed in the south-west , and certainly in Devon , are part-time workers in residential homes ?
30 However , SFX are not limited to the work of those designated in the credits or cited in the Academy Awards as visual effects or sound effects specialists ; they can also be the task of the make-up artist , the stuntman/woman , even the costumier .
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