Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [pron] had be " in BNC.

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1 For the Gentiles to receive the word of God , at this point in history , was a truly extraordinary thing to happen in the eyes of those who had been used to years of prejudice against the Gentiles .
2 In this connection it was agreed that Christine should add the names and addresses of those who had been at Carberry to her database .
3 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
4 In Education and the Working Class they studied the attitudes and careers of eighty-eight working-class pupils in Huddersfield grammar schools : most of these had taken their A levels in the period 1949–52 , and belonged therefore to the earliest generations of those who had been liberated from the payment of fees .
5 So far as wasted costs orders were concerned , cover was already provided by the BMIF for the benefit of those who had been made subject to such orders ; but that cover did not extend to related costs .
6 The great grandchildren of those who had been gulled by the infantile speculative ventures on offer during the manic South Sea Bubble phenomenon had obviously been conditioned to react in the same wild way .
7 He also told us how he had nourished the fire of hate inside him , ever since as a child of seven he had been spat upon by a white man .
8 And on top of that she had been rude to her boss .
9 In the case of criminals , much early research was based on surveys of those who had been caught and convicted .
10 First to suffer were the relatives of those who had been kidnapped by the Joint Command .
11 In April Prime Minister Pavlov announced that compared with the first quarter of 1990 there had been in the first quarter of 1991 a 10 per cent fall in national income , a 5 per cent fall in industrial output and a 13 per cent fall in agricultural output .
12 At the beginning of 1981 I had been promoted from Minister of Transport to Secretary of State .
13 After exclusion of those who had been rehydrated intravenously before admission to the hospital the median duration of preoperative rehydration treatment was similar in both groups ( 21 hours in group A and 22 hours in group B ; W=35314.5 , p=0.2 ( -4.3 to 0.8 ) ) .
14 The gentle mercies of the lash were used even more extravagantly for civilising the ‘ primitive ’ peoples of the Empire in the nineteenth century , and in one of its anti-garotting tirades Punch ( 6 December 1862 ) had good cause to remember the lesson of the Indian Mutiny of 1857 which had been put down in a sea of blood .
15 In the evening , the names of those who had been picked from the line-up were read out over the camp tannoy .
16 Following the economic downturn of 1899 there had been a brief decline in strike action and contact had become more difficult to sustain .
17 At the age of seven he had been put on a ship to Britain , kissed by his mother and sisters , shaken hands with by his Pop , and banished from their sight for the next eleven years , save two brief holidays .
18 Before the successful insurrection of 1815 there had been several isolated incidents in which bands of Serbs attacked and murdered Turkish officials .
19 Some thirty graduates of the degree came together for an excellent meal in University House , followed by an informal update from one of the joint organisers of the reunion , Keith Moffitt , on the whereabouts of those who had been unable to attend .
20 Agitation over the Irish question had assumed the proportions of a major political threat in the 1860s , bread riots were not unknown in London in this period , and in the shadow of the second Reform Bill of 1867 there had been occasions of political violence over voting reforms .
21 Eight days after leaving , the new convoy was back at the desert rendezvous , much to the relief of those who had been chosen to stay behind .
22 The only fair way was to read the transcripts of those who had been there and try to piece together a sequence of events .
23 ‘ By an odd coincidence only 8% of those who had been on strike got increases while 92% of those who had worked during the strike got increases ’ .
24 The first withdrawal of US troops began on Jan. 2 with the return of about 300 troops to the USA , and as of Jan. 7 a total of 3,300 troops had returned home , out of a total of 26,000 who had been in Panama .
25 The killing of Polanski 's wife — who was in her last month of pregnancy and carrying a ‘ perfectly formed ’ baby son , also murdered — along with three friends and a totally unconnected young man of eighteen who had been visiting a caretaker living in the grounds , naturally caused Polanski extreme mental torture , made worse by the knowledge that he had promised to return to the house himself and had not made it in time .
26 The Public Prosecutor 's office said that neither brother was on the list of those who had been detained and were facing charges .
27 But many of the symptoms asked about were reported for similar proportions of those who had been in residential homes and those who had not ; these were pain , trouble with breathing , vomiting or feeling sick , drowsiness , sleeplessness , dry mouth or thirst , depression , loss of appetite , difficulty swallowing , dizziness , bed sores , an unpleasant smell , and backache .
28 Before the end of 1891 there had been strikes against free labour at Aberdeen , Plymouth , Liverpool , Shields , Newcastle , Leith , Hull , Glasgow , Hartlepool , Middlesbrough and Swansea , all of which resulted in a weakening of the union .
29 At the end of 1067 there had been a great fire which had made nearly all the buildings unusable except the dormitory , the refectory , and enough of the cloister to make it possible for the monks to walk from one building to another without getting wet .
30 By the end of 1986 there had been 84 reported decisions on the 1977 Act in the High Court and 41 of these had gone in favour of the homeless .
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