Example sentences of "[noun] of [adj] [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 If the answer is that they are idealistic categories generated through consciousness of ideal relations then the idealistic basis of these specific examples of ‘ ideological forms ’ can be understood .
2 This circuit should be capable of adaptation for use in synchronizing the speed of two engines when the engines are actually running .
3 To design any piece of audio equipment successfully the first stage is to define exactly what it is that you require and determine the circuit from this information .
4 I can well understand the plaintiffs ' sense of indignation at the defendants ' breaches of the injunction , and the court will have to consider very carefully all aspects of those breaches when the inevitable contempt proceedings are heard .
5 The open air theme , eventually to become epitomized by visions of Woodstock and the Rolling Stones performing live in Hyde Park , was itself a throwback from Kerouac 's On the Road : because the road became the central symbol of his disciples ' lives — hitting it in search of new horizons when the local scene became dull .
6 The mantic view implied that the words are divinely given ; so any text can be interpreted in the light of other texts where the same word occurs .
7 He became a lecturer in German in the newly created Department of Modern Languages when the Royal College received its charter as a University in 1967 .
8 Head Office Branch Claims , to whom any claim in excess of the branch handling limit is reported , will advise the appropriate department of any claims where the retention is exceeded .
9 That was on the Friday evening and by Monday I had put the whole thing out of my head and into the category of satisfying memories when the boy came in with Duke on the lead .
10 None of these constraints , incidentally , had much to do with the novelty of women directors within their national traditions ; all four could point to predecessors , especially in the earlier part of this century when the film industry was being established .
11 I would certainly advocate the existence of more fora where the three sectors can come together to achieve mutual understanding and where c we can debate this new order , and make joint decisions about its future .
12 But pragmatism , as I am using the term here , is a function of pedagogic mediation whereby the relationship between theory and practice , ideas and their actualization , can only be realized within the domain of application , that is , through the immediate activity of teaching .
13 Often the encoder is visible ( being within the canonical situation of utterance ) and immediately audible and there takes place a kind of indexical reciprocity whereby the specific quality of a deictic expression is only given by the assignment of the extralinguistic referent .
14 The law of value is a historically relative law ; it is a specific form ‘ on the face of which is writ large ’ that it ‘ belongs to the kind of social structure where the productive process masters ( ‘ hemeistert ’ ) men and not men the productive process ’ .
15 All that remains of Herod the Great 's Temple is a course of huge stones where the Jews meet daily for prayer .
16 When we add to this in turn the effect of nearly half of all women working ‘ part-time ’ , then the average income of all households where the married woman was working was only about 40 per cent higher than where the married woman was not working .
17 In the case of agreed bids where the target co-operates , we have to have regard to the City Code rules requiring equivalent information to be made available to all genuine competing bidders .
18 provision of additional facilities where the existing ones are under heavy pressure .
19 In October–November 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war when the United States suddenly discovered that the USSR was trying to position medium-range missiles in Cuba .
20 ‘ Disposable income ’ is a measure of gross income less the above deductions .
21 To the left is the great waterfall — the cirque has numerous supporting ones — which comes down in one huge leap of 1,400 feet when the snows are melting or in two rather more modest leaps once they are finished .
22 Day , evening and weekend trips are planned along with a programme of meetings with invited speakers to discuss areas of common interest especially the general aspects of cycle safety .
23 Of companies of this sort only the liverymen , if indeed all of them , were likely to find their way into the returns .
24 New German money flocked to buy jewels , silver and objets de vertu touched with the lustre of German history when the treasures superfluous to requirements of the Fürsts von Thurn und Taxis came under the hammer in Geneva on 17 November .
25 The work of Religious Orders e.g. the Jericho Benedictines
26 He relied upon the great development that has recently taken place in the law of judicial review whereby the courts have asserted a general jurisdiction to review the decisions of tribunals and inferior courts .
27 It can be observed , however , that minimum late fetal mortality falls more frequently in the 20–24 years age group in the European countries than in countries of other continents where the nadir more often occurs at ages 25–29 .
28 Quadrant 4 covers the type of innovative activities where the goals and outputs can be fairly well specified and the means to achieve them are relatively clear .
29 The circular gave an expression to a motion passed in the House of Commons in January of that year when the House , ‘ conscious of the need to raise educational standards at all levels ’ , regretted the separation of children into different types of secondary schools .
30 A much trodden tourist path leaves Achintee Farm in Glen Nevis and slants upwards to a midway plateau of open ground where the superstructure of the mountain towers .
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