Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] over [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Accepting that a group of countries should proceed to a political or monetary union would be to accept the creation of a Greater European Superstate on the continent of Europe over which the non participants would have minimal control and which would be dominated by Germany .
2 Between sender and receiver lies a process — channels of communication over which the sender may have little control .
3 Before the whites came , he went on , no one in Australia was landless , since everyone inherited , as his or her private property , a stretch of the Ancestor 's song and the stretch of country over which the song passed .
4 In Dew v. Parsons ( 1819 ) 2 B. & Ald. 562 an attorney was held entitled to set off against a claim by a sheriff the excess amount which he had paid to the sheriff for the issue of warrants over what the sheriff was legally entitled to charge .
5 Clearly , the range of frequencies over which a potential divider constructed solely from resistors acts as a satisfactory attenuator is restricted .
6 Here again there is negligible waste of power , but unfortunately the range of frequencies over which a transformer will act as a potential or current divider is restricted by the behaviour of the core , there being both a lower and upper limit .
7 While it is true that the longer the period of time over which the child 's language is sampled , the more representative that sample will be of the child 's underlying linguistic knowledge , in practical terms the length of any recording will be constrained by the time available for transcription and coding .
8 They also agreed to a near doubling of aid to the Third World , but failed to reach a common position on the period of time over which the increase would be phased in .
9 In fact , for the UK the tax structure achieves progressivity ( a marginal tax rate greater than the average tax rate ) by having tax allowances and a wide band of income over which the marginal tax rate is a constant .
10 A brute wall of sound over which the 'Nigs have scrawled their own , bug-eyed 'n' ugly messages .
11 In the first case , and so from equation ( 9.14 ) there is a reduction in amplitude given by Since , this in turn implies that The case implies that , and so from equation ( 9.14 ) there is a reduction in amplitude given by which in turn implies that For given reactive impedances Z 1 and Z 2 , inequalities ( 9.18 ) and ( 9.20 ) define ranges of frequency over which the signal is attenuated , there being a phase shift of zero in one range and in the other .
12 Public accountability is particularly important in respect of activities over which the government has a monopoly and in respect of which the citizen has no choice but to deal with the government .
13 The vast block of land over which the Merovingians ruled was essentially treated as two different units ; on the one hand there was the north and the east , that is the territories which had been controlled by the Franks before the " Vouillé " campaign , together with the Burgundian kingdom ; on the other there was Provence and the lands captured from the Visigoths .
14 On June 24 in Luxembourg EC Social Affairs Ministers reached agreement in principle on introducing a maximum working week of 48 hours across the EC ( although the number of months over which the 48-hour limit should be averaged remained unresolved ) .
15 The maximum number of years over which a mortgage can be taken .
16 There would be a gap of anything from six months to a number of years over which a veil was drawn .
17 It is also the item of expenditure over which a mother is most likely to exert control .
18 The total length of time over which a product may decline depends on a variety of factors , such as its relevance to basic needs , its adaptability in the light of economic trends and whether it is the focus of short-term fads or of longer-lasting fashions .
19 Their half-lives of about 30 years will determine the length of time over which the doses will be delivered .
20 Baldwin shunted him to the editorship of the official British Gazette , ‘ to stop him doing worse things ’ , but at the same time kept control over what was published by the remarkable feat of giving Davidson , a junior minister at the Admiralty , some real power of censorship over what the Chancellor of the Exchequer wrote .
21 Several were in groups of four , three standing slabs of stone over which a fourth lay as a roof , others lay tumbled in meaningless heaps , but still others seemed to be set in distinguishable lines and circles .
22 the maximum value of shares over which a person may be granted options under the Executive Scheme ;
23 The region of temperature over which the viscosity of the liquid increases to the glassy level is called the " glass transition " .
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