Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [subord] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 There was all sorts of processes before it got to that and after it got to that stage .
2 erm arguing and er they was going on about this because if Mrs went to a farm and then said that she saw some hens there that did n't look particularly fit erm and said they 'd got to be culled and if the farmer thought otherwise then we got into all sorts of tangles because we knew nothing about poultry .
3 I wondered if we were both thinking of Charlie as we did it .
4 He is justifiably proud of what he and his father achieved at Lingfield , not least the deal they struck with the redoubtable Cyril Stein of Ladbrokes when they bought the course from his company seven years ago .
5 All they had done was to pick ears of corn as they walked along , rub them in their hands and eat the grain .
6 There was a great deal of activity as they landed .
7 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
8 No doubt it had a great deal of appeal because it suggested that , if someone could afford air travel , he must be a bit of a swinger and must be with it .
9 At the lime that it was published , the report received a great deal of attention since it coincided with the brief economic boom of 1971 — 2 and workers were leaving agriculture at an alarming rate .
10 But it succeeded — largely through a process of persistence and perception of opportunity as it unfolded .
11 The photographer had long since gone , but Kevin Seymour and I pored over the yacht 's considerable folio of charts while we discussed in detail the cruises that have been sketched in so lightly in the previous paragraphs .
12 Civil war was the spectre which haunted much of sixth-century Gaul , or so it seemed to Gregory of Tours as he wrote the preface to the fifth book of his Histories .
13 One Girl felt the full force of snobbery when she announced her wedding to a stagehand .
14 However , in a famous paper written in 1905 , Einstein pointed out that such observers could all measure the same speed of light if they abandoned the idea of a universal time .
15 Leitzig led him through a succession of corridors until they reached an area marked STORAGE PONDS with a no-entry sign beside it and the words AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY in black paint underneath .
16 It only slowed down on nearing the outskirts of Teplyystan where it turned off on to a narrow road leading into the Bittsevsky forest park , a panoramic landscape of ravines and gorges layered with fir , oak and pine plantations .
17 The guiding light in Lewis 's life then went with her son to speak to the pupils of Bellahouston Academy and visit a retail development on the outskirts of Glasgow before he rounded off his day in the male only setting of the St Andrew 's Sporting club by watching Scotland 's Kris McAdam fight .
18 DE VALERA : A man who used to be President Of Ireland before he turned into Jimmy Stewart .
19 Patients were rather specific in their reporting of symptoms as they complained of heartburn or acid regurgitation only when the intraoesophageal pH was less than four .
20 For a long time Bayonne was an English possession , having been part of the extensive territorial dowry of Eleanor of Aquitaine when she married into the Plantagenet family in the middle of the twelfth century .
21 He had his legs crossed , and he was smoking an old pipe , from which came a vile smell and great plumes of smoke as he puffed at it .
22 There were unexplained hold-ups , enemy strongpoints catching the leaders in heavy fire perhaps , or a few moments ' loss of direction as they probed forward .
23 The loss of profit because they had been compelled to sell their home in order to complete on the purchase and the cost of borrowing and er the ancillary matters that are set out in the claim and dealt with by the accountant .
24 But even if this tape is going to record the last speech of somebody famous and it did n't get and therefore they could n't record it , that is co , the consequence of a delay , you know , a fall of snow or our vehicle breaking down or something not being done , or missed some in human , some human error , it 's not our , we do n't lay , we 'll give , we 'll insure or offer transit liability on the value of the goods providing you 've got additional full transit liability with us , but we wo n't for the loss of business because you did n't get it .
25 Then this would never have happened , or if it had ( I could n't bring myself to unwish an experience which still washed over me with waves of delight when I remembered it ) at least Toby would have known what he was doing , his eyes would have been open .
26 This was the Finaghy lads first fight at home in six years and you could almost feel seismic waves of anticipation as he came to the ringside .
27 Now that the Colonello had been taken away , the only Italian from the camp who remained was one of the two interpreters , Capitano Camino , who had an excellent command of English because he had been a businessman in England before the war .
28 The following summer I was in command of Searcher when we paid a courtesy visit to Holland .
29 Connor McCaffrey ( 18 ) was taking the lift to his room at Queen 's University halls of residence when it became stuck between the third and fourth floors .
30 But her eyes were fail of pain as she led me through to the lounge .
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