Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [num] on the " in BNC.

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1 The downturn in financial revenues included a net realised financial profit of £34 million on foreign exchange earnings and an unrealised loss of £25 million on the cost of long-term finance for the shipping fleet .
2 Yesterday 's results raised More O'Ferrall the outdoor advertising group 12p to 242p , after the group announced an unchanged dividend of 13.2p for the year , in spite of a drop of 13 per cent in profits to £5.04 million and an extraordinary loss of £4.8 million on the sale of the US business .
3 When I knit a stocking stitch tension square , instead of marking the 21st stitch on each side of centre 0 on the 30th row , I transfer these stitches at the beginning of the swatch , placing them on to needle number 22 on each side and pushing the empty 21st needles to non-working position .
4 The IMF estimate that the needs of the Soviet Union , Eastern Europe and the Middle East will put additional demands of $100 billion on the pool of international capital this year , and $80 billion each year between 1992 and 1996 .
5 This was likely to produce an income of £16 million on the deposits advanced by customers .
6 Right now erm look at the dialogue at the bottom of page fifty on the right hand side bottom right page fifty okay ?
7 [ Relevant documents : The fourth report from the Social Security Committee of Session 1990-91 on the Financing of Private Residential and Nursing Home Fees ( House of Commons Paper No. 421 ) and the first report from the Health Committee of Session 1991-92 on the above report ( House of Commons Paper No. 28 ) . ]
8 [ Relevant documents : The fourth report from the Social Security Committee of Session 1990-91 on the Financing of Private Residential and Nursing Home Fees ( House of Commons Paper No. 421 ) and the first report from the Health Committee of Session 1991-92 on the above report ( House of Commons Paper No. 28 ) . ]
9 This inhibition may be secondary to the inhibitory effects of SMS 201–995 on serum gastrin levels , but direct or other indirect effects of SMS 201–995 on the pepsinogen producing cells can not be excluded .
10 Both parts A and B of Resolution 45/55 on the prevention of an arms race in outer space were adopted by 149 votes with one abstention ( the USA ) .
11 Chapter 1 , ‘ Divine Revelation Itself ’ ( DV 2–6 ) , maintains the note of proclamation in mainly biblical language , and only towards its end does it reaffirm teachings of Vatican I on the human response to God 's self-revelation .
12 The Bebington and District League 's Barnes Pairs went to the Stork couple of Roy Varney and Brian Hanlon , who beat Peter and Don Favager of Thingwall 15–7 on the Bromborough Pool green .
13 He not only handed control of the new Secret Committee to grandees but in the same month , December 1856 , raised the qualification for promotion to the hereditary nobility from the achievement of rank five on the Table of Ranks to the achievement of rank four .
14 This forecast a budget deficit of £120 million and recommended expenditure cuts of £97 million , including a saving of £67 million on the unemployed .
15 The profession can not be certain how much this will save , as it depends on the amount provided for when the supply estimates were settled ; but we estimate a saving of £15 million on the assumption that the Government would have provided for a 1.5% increase .
16 On the other hand , just as he defended the use of Article 100 , George Close also defended the use of Article 235 on the same grounds , i.e. that even in purely economic terms it can be shown that environmental and consumer legislation does in fact affect production and marketing costs .
17 Two elaborate pieces of furniture are the cream and gilt lacquer cabinet in the style of James II on the right of the fireplace which opens to show five drawers with individual working locks , and the large Victorian wardrobe veneered in amboyna wood , partly fitted with sliding shelves .
18 Just over half the rise came from the Asia Pacific region , where there were strong performances from Hang Seng Bank , in Hong Kong , and the more widely based Hongkong Bank , plus an exceptional profit of £270 million on the sale of a the group 's Cathay Pacific airline stake .
19 In view of the deeply felt resentment at the reign of Bayezid I on the part of at least the more pious elements of the state , it seems not impossible that Murad II ( 1421–51 ) who , alter Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) , set about re-establishing the integrity and order of the Ottoman state , decided to provide an answer to the critics of the secular state by the creation of an office to represent the spiritual authority of the seriat , an office , moreover , free from the taint that had come to affect the members of the ulema associated with the state service .
20 The Russian government 's resolution of Sept. 4 on the detailed expenditure in the 1992 budget ( approved by the Supreme Soviet on July 17 — see p. 39020 ) was published in full in Rossiiskaya gazeta of Sept. 15 .
21 Shipment of a pre-release version of Matisse 2.2 on the KSR1 is planned for fourth quarter 1993 , with the final release to be shipped in first quarter 1994 .
22 National Savings contributed £3.13 billion to government funding last year — an improvement of £1.81 billion on the figure for 1990–91 .
23 The visitor centre is open from April to Christmas , 10 am to 5 pm , and is reached from the B9097 east of junction 5 on the M90 .
24 RNP8> Adopted without a vote , Part A of Resolution 44/195 on the UN 's financial crisis urged all members states to pay their assessed contributions in full and on time , and requested those members in arrears to make every effort to pay outstanding contributions .
25 GEOFF Hornby had a close shave while making the first ascent of Peak 9070 on the south side of Mount Hunter in Alaska .
26 He appealed for international support for Ukraine 's claim to an equivalent proportion of Soviet assets abroad , and criticized the inter-republican agreement of Dec. 5 on the division of debt , which Ukraine had refused to sign [ see p. 38656 ] .
27 All three parts of Resolution 45/57 on the prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons were adopted without a vote .
28 I never ran marathons , but gradually increased my distance , starting with a 30-mile race , then the Isle of Man 40 on the TT course , where I did well , and the following week I ran from Edinburgh to Glasgow , which is about 50 miles and came in about second or third . ’
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