Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [conj] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the statements on strategy and thinking of Clausewitz or the earlier Chinese military authors are as applicable to competition in the business world as they are in military matters .
2 Indeed , such a " quasiautonomous " status for English in education makes a good deal of sense when the wider strategic and social context of the Report is taken into account .
3 The despatch which would have told Wellington of the loss of Charleroi and the further French advance lay in the Major 's saddlebag .
4 Perhaps it is a basic rule of life that the deeper the emotional deprivations of the heart , the simpler our joys appear .
5 Sometimes decline can be explained as an inevitable concomitant of development ; thus the heyday of Valencian prosperity was matched by a dramatic decline in the silk industry of Granada and the smaller industry of the Aragonese valleys may have suffered from Catalan competition .
6 A decree published by the High Committee of State ( HCE ) on Aug. 15 gave the authorities additional powers to order the suspension or closure of any enterprise the activities of which " endanger public order , public security , the normal functioning of institutions or the higher interests of the country " .
7 In his turn , Tran Van Hieu knelt to perform the same silent acts of obeisance as the older man , but after prostrating himself for the third time , he remained on his knees and to his children 's surprise began to pray aloud .
8 The extended hours of eligibility and the greater rewards for general practitioners who make their own night visits readily explain these changes in activity .
9 On the other hand , there are some regional variations in economic terms which may have increasing impact on the resources available to be shared in families , especially the rising value of property in the south of England and the better job opportunities there .
10 The the the the so called better off people lived at the top half , and the the the poorer type of people or the poorer class of property was on the bottom half , oddly enough and er
11 But even if the majority of Asian states recognise a link between the political aspirations of non-alignment and the broader goals of the revived Soviet ‘ pan-Asian security ’ scheme they are unlikely to permit themselves to become drawn into a new structure of strategic accords in Asia presided over by Moscow which could enable the USSR to press for more direct relations of military alignment in the future .
12 It is however an open question whether the infinite family plan implied by the Barro model is a better guide to the effects of debt than the shorter horizon model used earlier .
13 Included in the programme are the effects of redundancy and the older worker .
14 They had exploited this idea as doing more justice to the nature of life and movement and the discovery of truth than the older rationalist insistence on the ‘ law of non-contradiction ’ .
15 The contradictory policies of the commercial deregulation of broadcasting and the greater regulation of programme content ( as proposed in the Broadcasting Bill 1990 ) could have serious repercussions for the quality of programming , the range of representation , and the effectiveness of the unions .
16 That just emphasised to me what a gulf there is between our sort of running and the shorter events , which the Board do n't seem to have recognised . ’
17 Between Thought and Expression collects Reeds lyrics since the Sixties and reflects both sides of his work , the early celebrations of wickedness and the newer social commentary .
18 I do n't really understand it but the the apprentice went down in the pit of course and the older man was above and they worked this saw all this sawdust was coming
19 The Leuchars squadron is to be replaced by Sea Kings operating from RAF Bulmer and RAF Lossiemouth , in spite of claims that the longer response times for fishermen in trouble in the Forth and climbers in peril north of the line of the Tay could mean lives being lost .
20 He heard the hollow thudding of hooves and the duller sound of feet constantly tramping the timbers of the drawbridge .
21 The reasons for this phenomenon are varied : the tightening bonds of serfdom and the greater degree of social regimentation introduced by Peter the Great meant that a number of previously innocent practices ( tree-felling , salt-gathering , trespass , begging , vagrancy , and so on ) were criminalized and punished with hard labour and exile ; popular protest against the proliferating powers of the state in the form of minor revolts , mass insurgencies ( for example , Bulavin , Pugachev ) , large-scale banditry and escalating rates of petty crime were similarly dealt with ; the abolition of capital punishment for criminal offences in 1753 led to its replacement with ‘ civil execution ’ ( public flogging and mutilation followed by perpetual katorga ) ; and laws passed in 1766 and 1769 changed the usual place of penal servitude from Rogervik and other locations in European Russia to the silver mines and factories around Nerchinsk .
22 The contrast between the ages of the winners was remarkable enough , but the award was soon the centre of a public scandal as the French press accused the Academy of incompetence and the younger man of plagiarism .
23 Now I think that the Good did say oh well there is a law commission report expected , but I think that you know the Good should address somewhere tha that problem of trust law and regulation should and then I did in fact on going through the report and er you know and also your own reports erm there 's the one about designation of assets you know , which I think was a very good recommendation of yours , I think the actual area of responsibilities and the wider role of actuaries was important .
24 This is probably the result of both the lower volume of distribution and the lower first-pass gastric metabolism of alcohol in women compared with men .
25 Mr David Howell ( C. Guildford ) , the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee , who opened the debate , said it had been a choice between the lesser evil of repatriation and the greater evil of doing nothing , which might inflict more cruelty , suffering and inhumane conditions on the people in the camps .
26 The difference is greater , the higher the rate of discount and the longer the time to maturity .
27 The purchaser claimed under two heads , first for the capital loss and secondly for his loss of profits — the latter head being based on the difference over three years between the profits made at the machine 's actual rate of output and the higher profits which would have been made at the warranted rate of output .
28 The Dutch cheeses Edam , Gouda and Leiden all belong to this group , although they may be sold at varying stages of maturity and the older examples will be harder in texture .
29 There is no sharp distinction between the later stages of transition and the earlier ones of turbulent motion .
30 Again , this closely parallels one of the grand themes of early sociology we discussed earlier , the changing relation of the individual to other members of society and the wider social implications of this relation .
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