Example sentences of "[noun] the [noun] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An immediate Exchequer grant was provided to tide the hospitals over the emergency .
2 The first loan was often sought to escape a pauper funeral , to keep the children off the school meals list , to pay for boots , or to tide the family over the illness of the breadwinner .
3 In Spain the struggle over the succession in 1702–13 had seen a prolonged effort by Catalonia and much of Aragon to throw off Castilian rule , an effort which drove them to support the Habsburg Archduke Charles against the eventually victorious Bourbon claimant to the throne , Philip V , grandson of Louis XIV .
4 If you 're the one who 's stayed at home all day , tackling the house and looking after the kids , you 'll want to celebrate the homecoming of everyone else and the chance the talk over the day 's happenings .
5 In the Eurobond example the spread over the gilt can be judged from the trading level of bond issues of similarly rated companies with similar documentation and covenants .
6 The need to avoid bad history is the reason the debate over the teaching of history in schools is so important : what is the proper balance between traditional concerns with royalty and battles as against the need to understand the great political movements of our time and the social and economic conditions which spawned them ?
7 In terms of our longer history of medico-moral politics the battle over the legislation certainly marked a watershed in mid-Victorian social reform .
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