Example sentences of "[noun] rather [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 And if we were going to be bored , and we were usually bored , rarely being self-motivated , we could at least be bored on our own terms , lying smashed on mattresses in ruined houses rather than working in the machine .
2 The hon. Gentleman should perhaps concentrate on feeding his sheep rather than intervene in the debate at this stage .
3 ‘ You must need your head tested ’ , was one of the more polite reactions when I said that I was going to spend two weeks holiday walking some 120 miles up-and-down mountains rather than lying in the sun .
4 Incidents such as five year olds showing ‘ bottoms ’ to each other in the playground or playhouse comer can , unless prompt action is taken , snowball into reports of almost sex orgy proportion rather than remaining in the league of innocent childish curiosity .
5 Is he sweeping the pieces off the chessboard rather than engaging in the game ?
6 The situation is such that it is care by the community rather than care in the community .
7 I ask him about his days as a commodities broker on Wall Street — Koons spent his days as a struggling artist working on Wall Street rather than starving in a garret — and he directed his answer to Ilona , because the anecdote shows the charming , apple-pie side of his nature .
8 This disingenuous acceptance of the status quo , pregnant with career opportunities , is basic to those who feed on the effects of social problems rather than engage in the struggle to deal with causes .
9 for example , the manual labourer is unlikely to take up an energetic hobby such as cycling and he is likely to spend his holidays relaxing at the seaside rather than walking in the mountains .
10 I thought it was more sensible to walk to the library rather than go in the car cos
11 Like all other sex programmes , this one will have no impact on the sex lives of the British ; it will simply provide another excuse for people to watch sex on television rather than participate in the practicals .
12 President Jesse Jackson 's reforming US administration offered encouragement rather than sending in the marines .
13 Ships are now built in modules rather than built in a whole from the base up in a dry dock , ’ he said .
14 Valium use , furthermore , focuses on individual malfunctioning : social and economic problems are dealt with in a framework of a medical model of relief of individual distress , alleviating symptoms rather than operating in a social context which may require familial or wider social change .
15 The plot is concluded by a deception which we see leading to a misdeed , although that misdeed is only anticipated in the speech of all three dramatis personae at the end rather than enacted in the text .
16 They could not understand a man who chose privacy rather than the comfort of comradeship and shared pleasures ; who read books on mathematics and astronomy rather than drink in the mess with his fellow-officers .
17 Such splendour is not for most of us , either as patrons or purchasers ; but , if he is content to appreciate the diligence of the scribe rather than luxuriate in the extravagancies of the illuminator , the collector can assemble single leaves from a wide variety of manuscripts at modest cost .
18 Graham 's devotion to his family has always been such that he drives home every night from Test matches in London rather than stay in the team hotel .
19 If someone has special talents or interests , ask them to run sessions for other residents rather than getting in an outsider .
20 The head had gone to great lengths to buy his own school rather than work in the state sector precisely so that he could be king-pin with nobody telling him what to do .
21 Grobbelaar , Anfield 's No 1 keeper for 11 years , lost his place a week later when he resumed his international career with Zimbabwe rather than play in the opening League game at Nottingham Forest .
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