Example sentences of "[noun] might [adv] [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the absence of such consent , the President might still introduce a state of emergency subject to ratification by a two-thirds majority of the USSR Supreme Soviet .
2 It even became possible to consider that the horse might also have a mind !
3 The college might also install a CD Rom system to enable information , including encyclopaedias and atlases , to be stored on a compact disc .
4 If Japan resigns from the IWC and refuses to catch whales sensibly the United States might conceivably impose a trade embargo .
5 Neither of these alternatives excludes the possibility that a change in associability might also play a part on generating latent inhibition .
6 Hereford might just have a crisis of conscience tomorrow .
7 Profits from the sales of patches or chewing gum might even provide a source of income , which could fund an antismoking counsellor .
8 Nevertheless , in some cases at least , an argument from lack of expertise might well support a refusal by a court to hear a particular dispute .
9 The Park might then have a chance to return to the ‘ wild character ’ which is its chief delight .
10 Improper use of the highway might also constitute a nuisance leading either to criminal charges , a civil action of damages or an injunction prohibiting the continuation of the improper use .
11 If you are slow in your reactions you might be more than 5° off your original QDM ( as above ) by the time you have decided what to do , so the turn to offset the RC 10° might well involve a turn of more than the 15° above .
12 By 1962 , in fact , it seemed not just that accommodation was possible , but that EFTA might well become a footnote in history .
13 With intelligent programming , the computer should have been able to recognise either that this particular customer needed an overdraft or that he has probably just become redundant and that mortgage repayment might soon present a problem .
14 Workers might also develop a resistance to certain common antibiotics , whose use is still an integral part of some processes , unless scientists can find safer substitutes .
15 Perhaps Gwendoline might even drop a hint to Miss Potts about Elissia and Daryl putting the spider in the desk .
16 The patient and carer might also need a home help to clean the house or flat , or the social worker may call in ‘ care assistants ’ , who are trained in very basic nursing skills , if the patient is too heavy for the carer to handle and move about alone .
17 Passengers might well support a campaign against redundancies , while their trains are late , dirty and overcrowded ; but a campaign for no compulsory redundancies at any time , is a different matter .
18 Whereas a single library might successfully mount a campaign using posters , leaflets etc , few if any will have the resources to use television or even commercial radio .
19 The front runner has long seemed to be head injury , in which a microdialysis probe might readily accompany a pressure monitor and provide a guide to metabolic state .
20 One view is that the rising indebtedness might suddenly trigger a loss of confidence , with the consequential withdrawal of funds from the USA and massive sale of US dollars ; the exchange rate for the dollar would collapse , and with it would collapse the value of dollar-denominated assets held by non-US residents .
21 He had , in fact , treated her as a man might well treat a wife to whom he 'd been married for some years — a relaxed , comfortable relationship in which there was no need for any outward signs of affection .
22 In that context the member state might also require a person appointed by the owner or operator of the vessel to be resident in its territory so as to be legally responsible for the operations of that administrative unit .
23 Essential field trips could be charged for if more than half the time spent on the visit was outside school hours , and ‘ optional extras ’ such as individual music lessons might also incur a charge .
24 She guessed it would be Nicky Kai , eager to hear her singing the praises of her beloved island once more , and she might be willing to stay and share the light supper she had been planning for herself as it was Sunday , the one evening of the week on which Florian might occasionally make a concession to the fact of his breakfast show slot and retire soon after dark .
25 This possibility might easily introduce a bias into the composition of left and right brain damaged groups .
26 You never know , in the blissful silence of your train , your brain might actually comprehend a clue in the Mephisto crossword .
27 They went downstairs together , Rain anxious that Ruby might also want a taxi at Ludgate Circus .
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