Example sentences of "[noun] over [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fred Crocombe went on to work for Boulton Paul Aircraft , and often reflected on how close he came to being one of those many aviator 's lost mysteriously without a trace over the wide expanse of the sea .
2 On 7 June 1972 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) issued a standard on asbestos exposure at work which took effect over a four-year period to 1 July 1976 .
3 This ends just before the large A4031 bridge from which the canal emerges to cross over an aqueduct over a minor road with a public house below on the left and then crosses over another aqueduct over the railway main line through Birmingham .
4 She told me more or less the same story as Eric — that they are reserving double the usual amount of space for Jefferson over the second half of the year . ’
5 May I wish my hon. and learned Friend well in getting proper safeguards over the vexed problem of undisclosed sites ?
6 In fact , in 1932–33 , without all the goals of the FFYP having been achieved , 6.7 million workers and employees were working in Soviet factories , an increase of more than 110% over that of 1928 , and of 65% over the planned number of workers !
7 Furthermore , neither Roosevelt nor the State Department was persuaded that the British would necessarily or at least wholeheartedly support the United States over the whole range of its postwar interests and aspirations .
8 While simple coral beads have been clinically successful , there is some uncertainty over the long-term stability of pure corals .
9 Ronald Venetiaan , the candidate of the coalition New Front for Democracy and Development ( NF ) , was elected President on Sept. 7 , ending four months of uncertainty over the future government of the country .
10 Prime Minister Felipe González , the leader of the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) , on April 5 won a vote of confidence in the Congress of Deputies , concluding five months of uncertainty over the exact distribution of seats in the 350-seat Congress resulting from the October general election , after which recounts and repeat elections had been necessary in a number of constituencies .
11 With performances over the next couple of seasons helping to decide which club gains promotion to the All-Ireland League set-up , it is vital that clubs get off to a good start .
12 She forced words over the hard hammering of her heart .
13 The prior turned to cast a sweeping glance over the silent array of monks , watching him wide-eyed in anticipation and awe .
14 In the circumstances , a construction of fabric over a wire-braced framework of wood or bamboo was logical and efficient , and sometimes , nothing else would have got off the ground with the power available .
15 Investment over the 1992–1994 period at £5.4 billion is forecast to be 22 p.c. down on the 1989–91 levels after allowing for inflation and the lowest since 1984–86 but still 30 p.c. higher than the depth of recession in 1981–1983 .
16 Men , dusty people and folk of diverse devices , people of business and of leisure , folk of the frontiers and foreign men … trackers of beasts and of seasons , breakers of camp in the little dawn wind , seekers of water and watercourses over the wrinkled rind of the world , O seekers , O finders of reasons to be up and be gone …
17 The Commission approved on Dec. 17 , 1989 , for the third framework programme , its key technology research and development initiative , a budget of 5,700 million ECU over a five-year period of which one-third was to be for research into information technology .
18 Many developing countries have seen big increases in their foreign reserves over the past couple of years .
19 A street lamp shed light over the front part of it where the boardroom table stood .
20 The fraud involved creation of false profits and stocks in the books over a seven-year period through use of purported contracts , which in reality did not exist , with third world countries .
21 Bassett adds : ‘ There have been opportunities over the past couple of years where clubs have shown an interest in me .
22 However , the degree also has a taught component , as students must attend at least one postgraduate seminar every term over the two-year period of the degree , and are examined on their work in these courses .
23 CAR firms including Ford , Vauxhall and Peugeot are having urgent talks with insurers over the soaring cost of premiums on many of their high performance models .
24 They found that cockroaches infected with Herpomyces and kept in close confinement inoculated one another with spores over the entire surface of their bodies , but only the spores adhering to the upper three-fourths of the antennae were able to germinate and grow .
25 Gently , he nudged aside the silken folds of her robe , and brushed his mouth over the creamy expanse of her flesh , his tongue dipping lightly to taste the shadowed valley between her breasts .
26 Bannen , whom she 'd left in the Operations Room , supposedly wracked with grief over the abrupt crash of the simularity of his son .
27 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
28 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
29 She felt the glittering sweep of his blue eyes flame over the creamy translucence of her bare shoulders to the curve of her breasts .
30 Luke writes of the natural hesitancy of the Jewish believers over the unprecedented inclusion of Gentiles in the early church .
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