Example sentences of "[noun] must [verb] be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 According to Carrick 's admittedly biassed complaint , the anonymous correspondent must have been an ambitious junior officer , for ‘ there is no body of Men so full of plot and envy as the Excise ’ .
2 Indeed , the fact that serious crime was often punished by confiscation of all the malefactor 's possessions must have been a sore temptation , and doubtless tended to prejudice kings towards verdicts of guilty .
3 Memphis , Tennessee must have been a lively place for the city ‘ s policemen in the early 1970s .
4 The general effect must have been a serious breaking-up of the great landed estates of Britain and their redistribution to absentee landlords , apart from those who preferred to move to Britain and take up residence .
5 Both dorsals must have been a good twelve inches clear of the water .
6 The murder must have been a severe shock to her and she would no doubt be deeply concerned over its effect on her husband ; she should have gone to see her yesterday , or at least telephoned .
7 William Symons must have been a wild one for in July of the same year he and Elizabeth Cole also of Halling , were both bound over for twenty shillings to appear at the next gaol delivery .
8 At that stage , Sunderland were good value for the lead and Mr Crosby must have been a contented man .
9 I suppose my eyes must have been a little red .
10 Gough Square was no backwater — Dr. Samuel Johnson had lived there a few years before — and a Gough Square lady must have been a good catch for an impecunious cheesemonger 's son .
11 Frantic attempts to have my bags recalled came to nought and by half-past-one the Taiwan Timberland lookalikes hit deep slush at Torino after a salivating glimpse of Monte Bianco and blanketed environs a few feet to the left wingtip. 10 December must have been a great day for skiing .
12 The post mortem now states quite categorically that he was not killed by any sort of missile ( the open window must have been a red herring ) .
13 This visit to Glastonbury must have been an impressive occasion , but there was probably more to it than simply pomp and piety .
14 They obviously do n't mean anything to you , so it looks increasingly as if this whole business must have been a dreadful mistake .
15 Hawkshead must have been a fascinating crowded place on market days .
16 Before the sea-walls were built the place must have been a true sea-marsh , largely flooded whenever there was a particularly high tide , with islands of sandy soil bound by the tussocky marram grass defeating the sea here and there .
17 ‘ Finding your friend 's body must have been a terrible shock for you , ’ he said .
18 In peacetime the town must have been a sleepy and slow-moving place , but at the start of 1945 it fairly hummed with activity , being surrounded in all directions by RAF and American Air Force stations .
19 Aesop must have been a keen observer of natural animal rhythms .
20 Although destroyed in 1789 , the French crosses bore figures of kings , just as the Eleanor crosses contained a figure of the queen , and the Montjoies of St Louis must have been a formative influence on Edward 's decision to act as he did .
21 Prior to this time it had to travel in cask and the resultant ‘ sparkling ’ wine must have been a sorry product , hardly an advertisement for its quality and reputation .
22 It was certainly the case that in the first centuries the example of Jesus must have been a tremendous model for living and for dying .
23 The fourth point that the draftsman must cover is the possible abandonment of the index .
24 As far as most nineteenth-century thinkers were concerned , it was obvious that the driving force of human evolution must have been a steady expansion of the brain , which merely continued the progressive thread that ran through the whole evolution of life .
25 Thus , it is also common ground that the complainant must have been an existing borrower at the time of the grant or refusal in question .
26 You know he was that tramp must have been an honest man because father said there was quite a little of sovereigns in that , and so I suppose it had been given to the parish and had seen that the man was properly buried , and then they discovered that he was an Aberdonian .
27 Inglewood must have been a perfect foil for the grand civic buildings of Liverpool , with its open timber balcony on the south side overlooking terraced and formal gardens laid out in the ‘ Old English ’ style .
28 Since her mother had been a jolly lady , her missing father must have been a dour Dane indeed if inheritance had anything to do with it .
29 From what I half learnt the father must have been a forgiving sort of man because he treated the daughter ( my daughter ) as if she were his own little girl .
30 Weed control must have been a major problem for a one pass cultivation system before the development of herbicides , and the extra weight of the rotor unit and the engine must have made the plough difficult to handle at the headlands .
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