Example sentences of "[noun] must [verb] [verb] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Des O'Grady must have made some audacious remark to her in his broad Irish accent for she gave him a wide grin , showing her impeccable set of incisors .
2 Heather must have had some compelling reason to follow in the direction they led , yet what that reason might be he was no nearer discovering .
3 So Balder Head must have had some architectural significance or other , although I doubt if anyone in the dale realized it .
4 Stuck 's first collection must have attracted some adverse criticism , for his later collections ( 1708 , 1711 , 1714 ) take more account of the French language and are much more conservative in their key plans .
5 Blanche sensed his dislike must have had some personal grounds .
6 Jenna 's shocked looks must have reached some deep core of humility in Ned Clarke .
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