Example sentences of "[noun] because it [was/were] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hence defence was not an issue because it was not discussed , since Sweden 's neutrality clashed with the NATO membership of Denmark and Norway .
2 A spokesman for the centre said : ‘ We were extremely disappointed to lose the karaoke machine because it was also used for our bingo calling . ’
3 She felt she was speaking for millions of would-be mothers in rejecting a child because it was mentally handicapped ; regrettably , she was .
4 The American Pressurized Water Reactor ( PWR ) , still the type most commonly in use in the United States , has a relatively compact core because it was originally designed to provide power inside the hulls of submarines .
5 Capra 's film was to be one of the most successful , acclaimed , and important films in the depression period because it was firmly set in contemporary America , but not in an America preoccupied with social problems .
6 This attitude contributed to serious misjudgements in the immediate post-war period because it was not counteracted by radical institutional change as a result of the war .
7 OZ 28 , the Schoolkids ' Issue , took such a name because it was largely written and edited by children , a fact that was largely ignored during the trial .
8 One of the attributes of a good witch was to be able to brew love potions on demand , and lovage acquired its name because it was once thought to be an aphrodisiac and was therefore an essential ingredient of such recipes .
9 She switched from singing to comedy because it was better paid .
10 The UK conversion to metric standards removed ambiguities from an area of international affairs because it was widely understood and accepted rather than because of any intrinsic merit .
11 The first is problematic in the light of the theory that living organisms ‘ see ’ with their eyes ; the second was problematic for the supporters of Galileo 's theories because it clashed with the ‘ force of a vacuum ’ theory accepted by them as an explanation of why the mercury does not fall from a barometer tube ; the third was problematic for Roentgen because it was tacitly assumed at the time that no radiation or emanation of any kind existed that could penetrate the container of the photographic plates and darken them ; the fourth was problematic because it was incompatible with Newton 's theory .
12 More work was required on the Tri-Pacer in Singapore because it was n't producing power the way it should .
13 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
14 Downstairs you could n't see her hair because it was all screwed up in a knot .
15 It may be argued that although the settlor was resident in the United Kingdom within s663(5) he would not be chargeable to tax on the income because it was not remitted to the United Kingdom ( see s663(5) ) .
16 A builder will therefore not be liable under the Act for damage caused by a defect in the building because it was badly built , e.g. because the foundations were inadequate , though he might be liable under some other legal provision ( e.g. negligence or the Defective Premises Act 1972 ) .
17 Although it was more mundane than its northern contemporary , it had a greater influence on subsequent town planning because it was not conceived as industrial housing but as a genuine attempt to improve living conditions for the working classes and encourage independence .
18 A Micron spokesman said the company ceased investing and reassigned engineers to other projects last month because it was n't getting the ‘ best bang for the buck . ’
19 But for the average home-owner to find good taste cheaply , displayed informally , and feel certain that he or she was not making a mistake because it was already arranged and coordinated , was quite new to Parisians .
20 The impact of Big Bang on GKR was especially profitable for the firm because it was well prepared .
21 They have n't received your invoice or statement because it was n't sent or it was sent to the wrong address .
22 Clearly it would be difficult to justify a dual system of justice if it led to certain types of people being more easily convicted , for the whole concept of the rule of law was to tip the balance of power away from the accusing state to the accused individual because it was rightly felt a too one-sided contest without such protection .
23 The headmaster paused , reminding himself of his conclusion that the privilege of educating the sons of the royal house had been conferred on this school because it was uniquely endowed with a philosophy which informed all its actions and made it equal to the task .
24 However , an international conference on school transport in Strasbourg decided that , despite the good safety record of buses and coaches , supervision was a particular problem because it was generally left to the driver , whose priorities obviously lay elsewhere .
25 One party may seek to reject a point in the sale agreement because it was not covered in the heads of terms .
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