Example sentences of "[noun] because [pers pn] [be] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Gurkhas were a useful bonus because they were not included in the Army manpower ceiling of 165,000 men .
2 Hence defence was not an issue because it was not discussed , since Sweden 's neutrality clashed with the NATO membership of Denmark and Norway .
3 You must be willing to take detours when they come up and not panic because you are not following your plan exactly .
4 I think , I 'd like to just take up the point about secrecy because I am involved in talking to couples where the , there is a basic problem of male infertility where th the husband of the couple , or the partner of the couple is unable to father a child because he 's not producing any sperm , or not producing enough sperm and that couple come to us for help and advice
5 we 've got the fencing well no , no you ca n't Jane because you 're not insured you see until
6 In that type of case erm perhaps the Court will not pay too much regard to the defendant 's personal circumstances because they 're not going to make that much difference , but if it 's not that serious a case the other main consideration that comes into play is the defendant 's own personal circumstance .
7 Jokes ‘ I will watch the game against Spain because I am not playing .
8 What about the sweatshops of Korea , or the rich Kuwaiti women who buy merely for their own pleasure and hide their couture gowns under their abayas because they are not allowed to display themselves … it 's a far cry from the fashion world as it is usually depicted , it could make fascinating copy .
9 Supratentorial infiltrating , low grade gliomas are often difficult to identify on computed tomography because they are not associated with significant mass effect and may not enhance with intravenous contrast medium .
10 Boys are left in the community because they are not felt to need such protection .
11 The introduction of the earnings-related retirement pensions scheme is bound to favour the better-paid sections of the community because it is not financed wholly by employee contributions .
12 I think the only drawback in that was , it 's been discuss , that , if you are dealing with money here you are expected to be , but I ca n't see that 'll make any difference because we 're not tied to National cost at the bazaar are we ?
13 This attitude contributed to serious misjudgements in the immediate post-war period because it was not counteracted by radical institutional change as a result of the war .
14 We erm , sold bigger parcels to other parts of the countries in , in this town because we were not dealing specially in Walsall leathers at that time .
15 From the Latin limbus ( the edge ) , it is the name given to the region inhabited by those spirits who can go neither to Heaven because they are not baptised , nor to Hell because they have committed no great sin .
16 And I think I 'd better get those in Stowmarket because I 'm not gon na be able to carry all this lot up
17 I can tell him things because he 's not involved , as you and Adams are . ’
18 Take the High Road , which has been running for 13 years , does n't make the ratings tables because it is not slotted in a peak viewing time across the country .
19 ‘ Méthode champenoise ’ wines are sparkling wines that have been made in exactly the same way as Champagne , but do not quality for the name because they 're not made in the Champagne region .
20 Now the medical association are taking the Argentinian , Miguel Pereira , to court because he is not authorised to practise in Chile , and the country 's flyweight champion and former world title challenger , Alli Galvez , has begun a hunger strike to defend his right to work .
21 They 're open in character because they 're not built upon .
22 In the recession of the early 1980s this service suffered immensely through poor sales and ultra high terminations — in those days it was said that washroom would be the hardest hit in any recession because it was not seen as an essential service ; much confidence was , then lost in the service .
23 But I was n't there , and this is to your advantage because I 'm not going to harp on about my favourite Shankly saying , or pretend I was close friends with the man like certain people do .
24 ‘ Sixty-four thousand people applied to get on the last series and most of the letters were written in crayon because they 're not allowed to use sharp instruments .
25 It may be argued that although the settlor was resident in the United Kingdom within s663(5) he would not be chargeable to tax on the income because it was not remitted to the United Kingdom ( see s663(5) ) .
26 ‘ I do n't mind Mrs Meadows being pleased , and I can understand it because it makes things a lot easier with Mr Meadows , but she 's sort of sympathising with Mum because I 'm not engaged ! ’
27 ‘ Although if there are two people at odds you may lose a bit because they are not going to get their ideas together .
28 It 's bad enough that unlike razor blades , which are zero rated , sanitary protection attracts seventeen and a half percent V A T because it is not classed as a medical necessity .
29 If this population is representative of the UK nationally , a substantial number of patients dying from end stage liver disease is being denied the option of liver transplantation because they are not referred for assessment .
30 One is always warned about the perils of wishing — perhaps Constanza wo n't be in trouble because she is not getting her wish literally .
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