Example sentences of "[noun] should be [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The distance between the horizontal rows of rings should be twice the depth of the bottom pelmet to make a pleat the same size as the pelmet .
2 He is still cautious about forecasting what will happen over the next two months , but reckons that Tie Rack 's low-priced , high value ranges should be just the thing to tempt recession-bashed Christmas shoppers .
3 If this is what was happening in Marslen-Wilson 's experiment , the really important variable should be where the target occurred relative to the recognition point , rather than where the target occurred within the word .
4 These sections should be twice the depth of a bottom pelmet , on top of which all the pleats lie .
5 The interception angle ( correction ) to use to regain track should be twice the number of degrees off track , rounded off to whole figures .
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