Example sentences of "[noun] also [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gorbachev also called for international regulation to protect zones with a " unique place in nature " , especially the Antarctic .
2 ‘ This is not surprising , ’ notes Correll , ‘ because nitrogen oxide emissions due to fossil fuel combustion also increased during this time . ’
3 The results for British , Japanese , Finnish , Australian and Hong Kong index futures , which allowed for transactions costs , suggest that arbitrage opportunities also existed in these markets .
4 The cotton industry also flourished in industrial villages and small company towns so that by 1851 almost 17 per cent of Lancashire men over the age of twenty and 15 per cent of women worked at the manufacture of cotton .
5 The ‘ feeble minded ’ children labelled cretins also suffered from thyroid deficiency , or , usually , from a deficiency of the iodine which is necessary for the gland to function effectively .
6 The Community Programme also met with some suspicion when it was first introduced by the MSC in the early 1980s but it proved to be a boon for many bureaux to expand their services and broaden their workforce .
7 Animals also benefited from these operations : gravel pits have allowed many birds , including the Great Crested Grebe and the Little Ringed Plover , to increase in number or extend their range .
8 The applicant also appealed with special leave from the judgment of Barnett J.
9 The main parties also agreed on constitutional changes to stem the influx of immigrants , one of the main reasons for the rise in attacks on foreigners .
10 The hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire also referred to cold weather payments .
11 The numbers of missing and of discrepant entries were correlated ( r=0.42 , p<0.05 ) , and both of these were also correlated with variability in peak expiratory flow ; this variability also correlated with missing data .
12 Absolute losses also fell in Outer London , from 26,000 to only 3,000 per year over the same period .
13 The pact also provided for 300 UN guards , all but a handful of whom were to be stationed in northern Iraq , and an unspecified number of aid workers .
14 The law also allowed for foreign observers to be present at elections , and set up a 20-member central election committee .
15 ‘ We also know , ’ Benjamin continued , breathing deeply to contain his anger , ‘ that on the Wednesday after Falconer was killed , Abbe Gerard from the nearby village also died in mysterious circumstances .
16 Very small farms in the east of England also suffered from low income during the same period .
17 One other conspicuous feature of the modern scene also appeared in these years .
18 Weston emphasized to Eliot that not only dramas , but poetry also derived from primitive rites .
19 Long-standing tensions also emerged in Soviet Georgia during 1988 and 1989 , inspired in part by nationalist pressures for a greater degree of autonomy within ( if not total separation from ) the USSR , and in part by differences of a social and ethnic character within Georgia itself .
20 Standardised mortality ratios also fell with increasing head circumference ( x≥4.6 , p=0.03 ) and increasing ponderal index ( weight/length ) ( x≥3.8 , p=0.05 ; for premature deaths x≥6.0 , p=0.01 ) .
21 The two countries also agreed to joint projects aimed at cleaning up the Baltic waters .
22 An unfortunate error also resulted in seventeen questionnaires with the question deleted being issued on a week day .
23 North Yorkshire county council also moved to head-off fears about teacher redundancies .
24 IBM also moved into new fields through various alliances with small insurgent innovators .
25 If Jennens thought that Leapor had a future as a poet , Leapor also relied on this woman 's criticism and encouragement .
26 Research in Newcastle has shown that about a third of all children referred with psychiatric disorders also suffered from undiagnosed depression .
27 The central committee session also agreed on extensive cuts in the party 's staff and premises .
28 But Russia also suffered from severe disadvantages .
29 The AFRC also reduced to 10 years ' imprisonment the life sentences of three others .
30 LDCs ' governments also insisted on domestically-generated funds being used to finance economic development programmes and thus sought a greater degree of control over the operations of British banks .
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