Example sentences of "[noun] just as [pron] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We can be locked into the ritual just as we become locked into a dance sequence once we have entered upon it .
2 And when the grandson left school , ‘ I worked in my grandfather 's boat just as he had worked in his grandfather 's …
3 Only her father had done that and he had obviously welcomed Alain Lemarchand just as he had rejected her .
4 In the Guides you will work for Interest Badges just as you have done in Brownies .
5 Well this would be the ideal opportunity to look at that because obviously planning now for the future gives you an opportunity just as you 've done with your maxi-endowment
6 ‘ Grimwood reports Newman did arrive and spoilt their act just as they 'd got Lennox to agree to sign .
7 We can say , too , that if there are large creatures in Loch Ness , then they would appear on sonar just as we have recorded them .
8 Paul Lane came into the room just as he had finished telephoning Laetitia .
9 They scattered for safety as a coach pulled up ; it had begun its final tumultuous dash from Trafalgar Square just as they had hammered at the door .
10 An individual will go through the process just as we have outlined it already .
11 There are hundreds of arcades in London , and people become addicted to these machines just as they become addicted to drugs .
12 WE can get rid of Trident missiles just as we got rid of cruise missiles .
13 He had dumped me on the surface just as he had found me .
14 Each member of the family had his or her picture taken at least once : there , recorded for posterity , is father Benjamin , leaning back comfortably in a chair just as he had done when sitting for Mr. Adkin all those years before , still wearing his favourite ring on the little finger of his right hand .
15 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
16 Different species of lemur occupy different living spaces just as we have seen with the guenons of the African forests .
17 He switched the subject just as he had snapped his fingers to remind her of how she had switched off after Seville .
18 Consequently the onus of distinguishing between the ‘ deserving ’ and the ‘ undeserving ’ poor tended to fall upon the officer dealing with the applicant in the fields just as it had fallen upon the relieving officer in the past .
19 Although still on the top floor , they now had lifts , or rather elevators , to take them up and once inside the dressing-room each Girl had her own mirror well lit by bulbs surrounding three sides just as they had seen in the films .
20 ‘ One of my regrets is leaving this project just as it has started to get off the ground , ’ said Det Insp Williams , who started out as a PC in the Cheshire Constabulary in 1963 .
21 I collected my clothing parcel the next morning and there were the razor blades and the tooth paste just as I had expected .
22 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
23 More , he is to equip them for their mission just as he had equipped Jesus for his .
24 Through the open door of her room they could see Barbara Coleman 's packed bag just as she had promised .
25 Britain 's economic problems added to the sensitivity of her leaders , and to the conviction that the Americans were trying to undermine the British Empire just as they had destroyed that of the Dutch in Indonesia in the late 1940s .
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