Example sentences of "[noun] now being [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Various groups exploited the rhetoric of modernization in their efforts to create new research programmes that could exploit the opportunities now being offered by the flood of government and private money available for scientific research .
2 This could fit in well with the growing concern with money management now being shown by the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
3 In November 1717 Byng and his ships returned home , to counter another , far more threatening , invasion plot now being hatched by a far older enemy of England , Spain .
4 In the context of the first part of the hon. Gentleman 's question , I must ask him to appreciate that one of the important matters now being examined by the chief executives of the agencies is the issue of greater pay flexibility and performance pay , so that better results can be achieved , both by individuals and in terms of customer service , from a given amount of pay .
5 While declining to say what his views were on proportional representation , he promised to continue Labour 's debate on electoral reform now being considered by an internal committee .
6 The ‘ Basic Law ’ : a mini-constitution for post-1997 Hong Kong now being prepared by a Peking-appointed committee .
7 For a while Corbett and the apothecary discussed gossip of mutual interest , acquaintances at Westminster , at the court , as well as the scandal of a certain physician now being investigated by the authorities at the Guildhall .
8 EVEN Joseph 's amazing technicolour dreamcoat is not a patch on some of the jerseys now being worn by the country 's leading goalkeepers .
9 They are able to combine increased contributions from the taxpayer with an element of private sector funding to take advantage of the exceptionally keen prices now being quoted by the construction industry for new output .
10 For Hinkley B , second in the new series of Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors now being built by the CEGB , there was no public inquiry at all .
11 LORD JUSTICE DILLON said that it was not in doubt that if the copy was privileged in relation to the employee 's then claims because obtained for the purpose of advice in relation to those claims , it retained its privileged condition in respect of the subsequent claims now being advanced by the bank : Pearce v Foster ( 1885 ) 15 QBD 114 .
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