Example sentences of "[noun] could be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , contour ploughing , contour brushwood planting , and ditch-and-bund constructions could be said to be types of terrace .
2 The Croaking Gourami could be accused of being rather a colourless drab specimen .
3 With lowered voice the vibrator could be felt to be less active , and the sound-level meter would show the lower volume of sound .
4 Certainly , academics will tend to identify with their department more than their institution ; but there is a sense in which the worldwide subject-based invisible college could be said to be basic .
5 The visitors could be seen to be bewitched at the learning about the cathedral coming out of such callow lips .
6 Thus , the Report considers the universities mainly in so far as their influence could be seen to be reflected back on the school system examinations and the home .
7 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
8 John Lyons could be taken to be offering such an analysis when he says that the English language is different from other languages in that it ‘ extends ’ the meaning of particular words beyond the culture-specific because of the international demands made on it ( Lyons , 1982 ) .
9 In this way Foucault could be said to be returning to Marx in removing the subject from the centre of history , were it not for the fact that he dispenses with the consolations of Marx 's historicism also .
10 The motivation for the project was : staff recognition of a need to evaluate whether children made any real progress in their written work between 1st year infants and 4th year juniors ; whether too much was expected too soon , and whether it is possible to decide an age when the average child could be expected to be competent in certain skills ; whether the language curriculum throughout the school was sufficiently broad in terms of coverage or whether there was unnecessary duplication ; whether the most able children were being stretched enough ; whether there was any justification for ‘ setting ’ across classes for certain kinds of work ; whether pooling teacher energy and resources on a common topic increased intra-staff awareness and co-operation , and co-operation and interest among children from different classes ; and finally , whether whole-school topic work appeared sufficiently worthwhile in terms of children 's learning experiences to warrant repetition at some future date .
11 Whilst any human cost of alcohol abuse could be said to be too great , it is important not to ignore both the economic and the social benefits associated with drinking .
12 Imported products which failed to meet these standards could be subjected to extra duties providing that : the environmental standards had a scientific base ; the same standards must be applied to all competitive domestic production ; and imported products could be proved to be causing economic damage to competitive domestic industries .
13 These technologies could be said to be neo-Fordist — that is they make use of information technologies but within a framework determined in the Fordist era .
14 Therefore Judaism and Islam could be said to be in one sense polytheistic and in one sense monotheistic .
15 A case might be made for this ( although there is no other evidence for it ) and so substantive interference in Ulpian 's text could be taken to be limited to generalization or to the addition of per omnia .
16 Although some of this work may be informed by certain theoretical readings — Irigaray , Cixous , Kristeva , Judith Butler , or some of the work by Italian feminists on the mother-daughter relationship — there is a real sense in which these artists could be said to be producing theory visually .
17 this suggests a recognition that cultural production is itself a form of knowledge or , as Hilary Robinson has put it in a recent issue of WAM ( No49 ) in discussing women 's body art , that artists could be said to be producing theory visually ’ .
18 The relative lack of progress on START and in particular the multilateral CFE negotiations ( being conducted in Vienna within the framework of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , CSCE — see p. 37335 ) since the Malta summit were widely attributed to Soviet concern over the pace and implications of German unification , and whether a unified Germany could be allowed to be a member of NATO .
19 Alongside the emphasis on knowledge , great faith was also placed in the power of science to discover the laws of the physical universe , society and even human personality itself , so that the world and individuals could be improved by being controlled .
20 The potential threat of the conveyance to the wife and new husband being put aside if the sale to the new husband could be considered to be at an undervalue must be borne in mind ( see p5 and Insolvency Act 1986 , s339 ) .
21 Mr Thompson said that groups such as the GAA , Masonic lodges , playgroups , golf clubs and many other organisations could be clamouring to be first on the list for the new free service .
22 The carapace required almost a year to become fully symbiotic with the body — and its owner required purification , distillation in the alembic of combat before his augmented natural body could be judged to be fully transmuted in spirit as well as in flesh and bone , and thus worthy of donning complete Marine armour …
23 By causing a subsidiary to issue preference shares to a bank , the group could be said to be ‘ window dressing ’ .
24 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
25 well I , I think I 'll take agree Mr you know much more about these matters than I do , I just , my eye just lit upon that one I thought that would perhaps the one in which the insurance directive could be said to be attached , but if you 've told me it 's C I 'm perfectly happy to accept it as being C.
26 If BA can resell $300m of its United investment — ideally to US citizens - then its remaining equity share could be said to be only 21 per cent , airline officials in New York argue .
27 In the usual way the ratio will largely if not wholly be determined in advance of preparation of the firm 's accounts , though , if desired , to follow a modern practice of American origin , final determination of each partner 's share could be agreed to be deferred until after the year 's profits have been ascertained and the performance of each partner assessed in that context : in the interim , permitted drawings would be based on past performance .
28 That is , in the subject of proposition 55 ‘ thought ’ is opposed to ‘ reality ’ almost as if a language game as a whole could be said to be justified by something outside it .
29 In R v London Borough of Harrow , ex pDeal [ 1989 ] FCR 729 the Court of Appeal confirmed that judicial review would lie if a decision to place a child 's name on the register could be shown to be utterly unreasonable .
30 The attitude towards science in the Eagle could be said to be typical of UK comics generally .
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