Example sentences of "[noun] could [be] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although it can be argued that the arousal manipulation in their particular study could be operating on the lower portion of the curve , it does appear that numerous studies on vivid and flashbulb memories have suggested that highly emotionally arousing life events are remembered in surprising detail over very considerable retention intervals .
2 New tales from Toad Hall could be appearing into the next century
3 THE picture of wizened old Frenchmen puffing contentedly on their Gauloises over a glass of pastis could be coming to an end — by law .
4 Their pay varied , but very few girls in these occupations ever earned as much as the 12s-13s a week , which as we have seen is what a girl compositor could be earning by the time she was about 20 , with the ( limited but real ) possibility of earning more later .
5 But it may be wise to follow the Which ? team 's advice before making your choice — otherwise the recipient of your gift could be limping into the New Year .
6 ‘ Eric Black could be playing on the moon for all the French know . ’
7 BRIAN CLOUGH is to be given the Freedom of Nottingham — after rumours in the city that his reign at Forest could be coming to an end .
8 But be warned : if you own more than one sign , PC Plod could be knocking on the door with a warrant one day .
9 Chatterjee then had the idea that maybe fusion could be acting within the Earth in the vicinity of the hot springs ; that 50 kilometres down beneath the ground the pressure and temperature caused the Earth to be a fusion engine .
10 If you think a man could be missing from the job a couple of hours without anyone knowing it , you do n't know Ogden Textiles , Mr. Preston . ’
11 The Government could be heading for a damaging backbench revolt of Scottish Tories if it rejects Rosyth .
12 Well , those trade figures were better than expected , which was good news after yesterday 's warning from the Chancellor John Major that Britain could be heading for a recession .
13 And after just a few sessions of treatment his parents were overjoyed to be told their son could be walking by the time they leave the Capital in April .
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