Example sentences of "[noun] could [vb infin] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Encouragement and funding by richer nations could establish more national parks , essential for preserving the many different kinds of forest .
2 Animals could lead more comfortable lives if there were not so many competitors , each seeking more space to live in , more food , and ( if they are males ) more mates .
3 A suboptimal ultrasonographic localisation could explain less satisfactory results obtained in some other centres .
4 Therefore an arbitrageur could make virtually riskless profits by exchanging sterling for Deutschmarks , Deutschmarks for dollars and dollars for sterling : .
5 And besides , if there was one thing the last two days had taught her , it was that even the most suspicious circumstances could have perfectly innocent explanations .
6 In a noisy and at times shambolic committee , opposition MPs objected that the longer hours could create more social problems because of an increase in gambling .
7 At some locations , concentrations of these elements in drinking water exceed the national drinking water standards , while in some lakes high methyl mercury content in fish could have potentially adverse effects .
8 But American attitudes and behaviour could create equally bad impressions in Britain .
9 Revolution was only one , and not the commonest , method pursued by burghers ; taking advantage of political disturbance could bring more speedy results .
10 The union , which has around 5,000 members , said new plans by the Department of Education could remove altogether special payments for teachers taking premature retirement .
11 If our priority is to target help at those with most need and to back away when those needs are met , our contacts with families could become simply box-ticking sessions , and it would be harder to get to know them . ’
12 Conservative group leader Tony Richmond argued Darlington should be proud of its strengths , and looking at problems could drive away new investors .
13 Such a development could have most serious consequences .
14 He regarded its main value as providing the opportunity for social research upon which the government could base more far-reaching changes .
15 When I asked how the Public Accounts Committee could examine what I regarded as gross excesses and a gross dereliction of duty by the Secretary of State for Transport , I was told — quite properly that the PAC could investigate only specific charges .
16 Egypt and North Africa had proved how swiftly modern mobile forces could overrun quite considerable distances , and in the summer months of 1942 , the British and Commonwealth forces were again back in Egypt , relying on overstretched supply lines .
17 We would speculate that like fibronectin , tenascin isoforms could represent functionally discrete forms of tenascin .
18 Separate strategic planning and professional campaigning could produce substantially different results in two such campaigns .
19 If being monitored for exposure to external penetrating radiation can be a marker of other exposures in the workplace , some of which might be hazardous , studies of the relation between men 's exposure to external radiation and leukaemia in their children could yield apparently inconsistent results .
20 The roots of modern pharmacology lie in the empirical discoveries of the past century , when medical men found that single therapeutic agents could effect seemingly miraculous cures .
21 use of inappropriate language could have very negative effects on the teacher 's standing with pupils .
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