Example sentences of "[noun] could [adv] [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Only much later , in court , did it transpire that the witness could not possibly have seen the suspect 's face at the distance 75 metres in conditions of semi-darkness .
2 Do the people of North Dakota disagree whether justice requires compensation for product defects that manufacturers could not reasonably have prevented ?
3 Soon , however , a new controversy arose when it seemed to some zoologists and paleontologists that even the large dinosaurs could very well have had a high running speed , at least as high as an equivalent sized modern mammal .
4 Whilst Necromunda could not conceivably have changed , it would nevertheless seem as alien as any of the worlds that they might visit in the interim .
5 And that meant that Downes could not possibly have killed Kemp before that time , and Downes was going to make absolutely certain — as he did — that he was never out of sight or out of touch with his group — except for the odd , brief visit to the loo — at any time that afternoon or early evening .
6 In the 1983 general election , nearly 8 million people voted for a political ticket ( Liberal/Social Democratic Party Alliance ) for which their parents could not previously have voted .
7 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
8 My contemporary interest in the case is in the argument that Parliament could not sensibly have intended to frame its enactment in these terms simply for the purpose of dealing with the rare and improbable case of a crooked solicitor and , therefore , the provision must have been intended to have some wider operation .
9 This dynamic could not indeed have developed as it did without the very considerable influence behind the scenes , particularly in the preparation of documents between sessions , of leading consultants whose theology was indeed far beyond that of any but a handful of bishops : Congar , Rahner , Philips , Chenu , Courtney Murray among others .
10 Well the solicitors could n't very have written to the , to the bank could they ?
11 Faith could not possibly have known a booking-clerk at a railway station , therefore he had certainly been a stranger , idle and curious , a watcher at the funeral .
12 What , however , is the position if , at the time of the buyer 's wrongful anticipatory repudiation , the seller had already been disabled from completing the essential terms of the contract ( e.g. the seller 's factory making the goods was already so far behind in production that the seller could not possibly have delivered the goods by the contractual delivery date ) .
13 Likewise , if the explosion occurred early enough in the Solar System 's history , the shell of gases could long since have dissipated .
14 Even if something has , in the first instance , been pillaged , rather than just been given as a gift or whatever , the statute of limitation could perfectly well have run out , and indeed , in Germany , if there has been a good-faith purchase in between , the period is ten years ’ .
15 He raised one eyebrow expressively , as though to say , ‘ Oh , really ? ’ and Alyssia could quite easily have hit him .
16 Fame could so easily have changed little Loris Capirossi .
17 Berowne could n't both have held the razor in his right hand and clutched at the blanket as he fell .
18 Uncle Philip could only ever have possessed the one hat .
19 He had made the remark , or something like it , ‘ to the back of Admiral Poindexter ’ as they came out of a meeting with Reagan , and Reagan could not possibly have heard it .
20 Her father could not possibly have owned a house like this , nor could he have owned half the things in it .
21 Instead of slapping me down , as any surgeon could quite reasonably have done in those circumstances , and particularly a surgeon with his reputed bite , he said simply , ‘ Not having seen them , I ca n't truthfully answer you , but from what I 've heard the two in the black car should have a fair chance .
22 God could n't possibly have organised things like that .
23 Two nights under the same roof as Ernie Love had , he suspected , sealed his condition , for Ernie represented the squalor and futility to which his own life could so easily have led but for the sense of purpose looking for Heather had brought to it .
24 My parents and Anne 's parents and Anne could so easily have had their holiday destroyed from the very beginning .
25 The National Health Service was a genuine concern to many people , and for this and similar reasons , he believed , Margaret Thatcher could not possibly have won the next election for the Tories .
26 I did not expect another career , since I felt that I had already had one , but in the event I found not only that , but a fascinating path through life that my original naval calling could not possibly have produced .
27 We should not regard their ‘ invention ’ of a structured gestural language as grounds for believing that earlier hominid handwaving could thus rapidly have attained parsable results .
28 Their own educational socialization primarily through classics could not adequately have equipped them for the task of the " total " administration of a national culture .
29 That staircase could equally well have led from seats .
30 The Texas Department of Corrections ( TDC ) has continued to build big , and presumably Howard could not even have begun to imagine something like the Ellis I Unit , of over 2,000 beds .
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