Example sentences of "[noun] when [pron] [verb] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 William claimed that Richard cheated by plunging his sword into William 's horse when he found that he could not win by fair means .
2 I referred earlier to the excellence of the Home Office research and statistics department when I explained that we do not keep crime figures for the past 12 centuries .
3 By 25 past , we 'd made it to the car when I realised that I wanted to push — panic !
4 I look to the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook when I say that I am not clear about the precise intention that lies behind the phrase in new clause 2 , which refers to ’ satisfactory access to advice and representation ’ — this is for applicants — ’ from advisers and representatives of their choice ’ .
5 I have no doubt wha did I not tell you about the fact that I hit the roof when he said that she has said that when he was twenty one , she was going to buy him a Vauxhall Chevette .
6 Lord Ackner noted that problems arose when the misrepresentation was that the accused was authorised to use his cheque guarantee card or credit card when he knew that he was not .
7 The BBC was forced to drop an independently produced film for Arena on lorry drivers when it emerged that it was partly funded by a hauliers ' association .
8 Certainly Polydore Vergil seems to have fallen victim to his own condensed chronology when he argues that it was the events at Stony Stratford which caused Hastings to mistrust Gloucester and so led to Hastings ' opposition and execution .
9 Certainly Polydore Vergil seems to have fallen victim to his own condensed chronology when he argues that it was the events at Stony Stratford which caused Hastings to mistrust Gloucester and so led to Hastings ' opposition and execution .
10 Richmond bureau was prompted into this action when it felt that it was losing advice workers because of the tensions involved in the work and because insufficient support was given to alleviate it .
11 We 'd just settled him along the back seat when I realised that he would need some money .
12 Now er w w with every respect , to say that he survived it is something of a crass statement , because I remember reading about him thinking is n't this country getting good that we can have a black guardsman , and I remember my own disappointment when I read that he had to leave the regiment .
13 Of course ten billion is an enormous number of people , but it does n't seem quite so alarming a figure when you realise that it 's only twice the current population of the world .
14 I got a bag of potatoes , the ones , say I thought erm this morning , I 'd , I 'd open a tin of corned beef actually it was an accident I er forgot that , what , I was opening a tin of corned beef for , erm , I was gon na make a salad when I realized that I did n't like corned beef
15 Knowing that there was nothing for it but to go and apologise and , if possible , explain that her regularly serviced car was misbehaving , Fabia had her hand on the door-handle when she realised that she had no need to move .
16 If you are rearing those kinds that burrow into the soil , put some soil in the bottom of the cage when you see that they are fully grown .
17 Chandler , however , ( 1988a , p. 186 ) provides a timely reminder when he concludes that it ‘ is a frequent but pathetic fallacy in political analysis to believe that power necessarily accrues to those who habitually walk with the great ’ .
18 The philosopher Rescher offers a useful distinction when he says that we are all the best judges of our own satisfaction and happiness , and no-one can do this for us , but that we are not always the best judges of what is in our own best interests , and that others , who are less subjectively involved are better judges .
19 The Minister of State , Scottish Office , shakes his head , but he knows that the Government conceded this point when they announced that they would allow colleges to anticipate up to 10 per cent .
20 ‘ And , ’ she went on , ‘ I was compelled to end my engagement to Havvie when I discovered that he did not love me at all … merely wanted Papa 's dollars , and , worse , despised us , all of us , for being rich and vulgar Yankees .
21 Perhaps even worse , you might be subjected to a disciplinary inquiry when you believe that you have done nothing wrong .
22 The worst bit was coming over the runway for the landing when I felt that I was no longer in control , but he made a perfect landing … a great landing for anyone , but incredible for someone who had never flown before . ’
23 It was undemocratic and the Government were not telling the truth when they said that they would look at all the submissions in a fair and honest manner .
24 I now speak for my learned friend when I say that he will expert that .
25 There is no way of monitoring arms once they are sold , although I believe Contraves when it says that it would have to fit the latest equipment to any ship , and would not fit Argentinian ships .
26 ‘ Yes , but perhaps he thought I might meet some wealthy man who would instantly fall in love with me and so relieve him of some of the responsibility , ’ she retorted , too angry to even think what she was saying , and then gave a derisive smile when she saw that he was half tempted to believe it .
27 If you talk to women in the sort of project where she 's working , I think you do get a very strong picture of people who have very little confidence in themselves and certainly think that education is not for them , and if you then look at projects like second chance for women , there 's a range of access projects , particularly for for people who want to get back into education when they think that they 've had precious little chance to get anything out of education when they were at school themselves .
28 Patterson trained her subjects to ask questions when they found that they could not choose between competing referents .
29 He had sat opposite her , watching her while she ate , making an extravagant moue of distaste when she suggested that he share it , but staring at her with a concentrated , almost angry , satisfaction ; rather , she thought , as a mother might watch a convalescent child taking her first mouthful .
30 Such a situation also undermines the role of district nurses and health visitors if they have to go through that procedure when they know that they should be able to take the responsibility .
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