Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb base] a [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There remain some class differences in the proportion who take a more casual or a more planned approach to family building , and in the reliability of the methods which they use , and therefore in the proportion of unintended pregnancies .
2 And colleagues , a couple of colleagues that , er , few of us appear to appreciate from time to time , and those are the signers who do a very important job for some delegates who are here this week .
3 But before turning to Buid relations with neighbouring lowlanders , I will bring out the specificity of Buid attitudes toward violence and aggression by comparing them with other Philippine groups who have a less negative attitude toward these phenomena .
4 ( This is quite consistent with some suppliers who face a relatively low level of demand producing below normal , while those who face a relatively high level of demand produce above normal , the two groups offsetting each other . )
5 There are producers who have a far greater knowledge of microphone techniques , and characteristics ; but if I have a good engineer who is musically intelligent as well as technically adept , then I have a very direct input into the kind of sound I want .
6 ‘ It 's a very extreme film ; a story about fame and excess , about people who acquire a very specific audience , people who really watch them and reflect them . ’
7 groups and a number of London based teachers who want a more honest appraisal of drama education as a political tool .
8 Teachers who have a severely handicapped pupil in an ordinary class can be greatly helped by a teacher 's aid , especially in first-school work and in those areas of the curriculum in the secondary school that involve practical processes such as science and geography .
9 In several countries local ‘ curriculum implementers ’ of one species or another have been appointed and in the main they have proved to be conscientious and down-to-earth professionals who do an exceptionally useful job .
10 In the younger group it is the Whites who have a much higher arrest rate than Blacks — 13.3 per cent .
11 A singe classroom in which for example Gujarati , pupils who speak a closely related language or a variety of language such as Katchi , pupils who can understand Gujarati , but not speak it , pupils with Gujarati surnames but with no knowledge of the language whatsoever , pupils with no family connections with the language , and so on .
12 Willingness is a highly inheritable trait , and its presence can be seen quite clearly in the off-spring of some stallions who have an exceptionally willing temperament .
13 Feminists who take a more woman-centred approach have developed a positive view of women 's biology , and have based a full theory of gender relations on it ( see Chapter 5 ) .
14 This happens especially often with feminists who have a generally egalitarian perspective .
15 Coun Legg said : ‘ This has caused a great deal of distress , especially to the staff at the school who have a very great commitment to their work and their pupils .
16 In Nicaragua , the sandinistas are increasingly divided between groups urging the party towards some kind of parliamentary social democratic path , and others who question an exclusively electoral emphasis , demanding adherence to the more radical policies of the past .
17 I know that there are many women who have a very rough time at home , but you 're asking me if I think men have changed , and I think in that way , domestically , I think they have , but I do n't think their attitude has changed in the workplace .
18 Those few students who require a highly specialized training in computer-aided research skills , can and should be taught by historians though the provision need not be available at every single university .
19 Tests have been regularly carried out since the early eighties to discover whether those who exercise regularly or who have jobs which involve a considerable amount of physical exertion are able to think more clearly and remember more accurately than their IQ counterparts who lead a fairly sedentary life .
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