Example sentences of "[noun] get out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When the woman driver got out of the car she went to intervene between the two men .
2 The driver got out of the car .
3 A familiar figure got out of the bus and walked straight to the cab rank .
4 Chant got out of the car and opened Estabrook 's door .
5 Edward got out of the car and a voice said : ‘ The King is here ! ’
6 She parked outside the high brick wall rather than driving on to the forecourt , and as if he sensed her reluctance to enter the house again he did n't attempt to invite her inside — but neither did he make any attempt to get out of the car , and they sat in silence in the light from an overhead street-lamp .
7 I invite er Mr and his supporters to get out of the age of Dickens and into the twentieth century .
8 Well regarded for its colour-illustrated articles by noted authors , many from the museum field , the journal had a devoted following of around 10,000 subscribers , but needed a cash infusion to get out of the red .
9 Tessa got out of the train at Paddington already painfully sensitive to the erotic implications of the city .
10 I shuffled into the room got out of the doorway and the light was turned on , I ca n't remember with whether I turned it on or whether P C turned it on .
11 Françoise Cribier finds one reason for the remarkable exodus of retired couples from Paris is that both man and wife need the husband to get out of the house .
12 ‘ When it was time for me to fire the very pistol , I had to get up from the wireless operator 's seat and had to move my parachute — which was always as close to my feet as possible and instead of lifting it up by the canvas carrying handle , I lifted it up by the metal handle ( the rip cord ) and so had a bundle of silk to get out of the way .
13 If it is Narouz , and the Khedive is bothered , we can tell Narouz to get out of the country quick .
14 She constantly felt the need to get out of the house and go somewhere , anywhere … but always she would return to be punished , because there was nowhere .
15 As Pauly ( 1990 : p. 41 ) concluded , ‘ regulatory reforms designed to enhance market efficiency and institutional competitiveness … effectively provided distinct incentives for most banks to get out of the business of development finance ’ .
16 The appliance manufacturers , the frozen food kings , the canners and food merchants exploited to the hilt the female desire to get out of the kitchen just as quickly as possible .
17 Just a positive desire to get out of the door and then you just pray .
18 Just a positive desire to get out of the door and then you just pray .
19 But he 'd known that while I might accept his desire to get out of the situation I could not accept his withdrawing support from me , just shutting me out , without letting me come to terms with his thinking .
20 Jed got out of the car and opened the gate .
21 When a policewoman got out of the vehicle he rammed it and drove straight into a wall which was demolished .
22 Geoffrey got out of the car and stood in front of Michael , willing him to calm down .
23 Jessamy got out of the car , then trudged after him as he strode easily along the track .
24 The policeman got out of the car , his Colt Python drawn .
25 Adam got out of the van and felt in the pocket of his shorts for the key .
26 When Daffy got out to the middle he realised he 'd nicked his hand , and that he needed treatment . ’
27 When Daffy got out to the middle he realised he 'd nicked his hand , and that he needed treatment . ’
28 ‘ Then you 've got the jokers who sleep under lorries to get out of the rain .
29 Whitlock shouted at the two policemen on the motorcycles to get the photographers back a few feet to give Mobuto a chance to get out of the limousine .
30 She told me she made a point of taking a walk each day to get out of the way of all the old people , but I was reassured when I saw that she was well-known at the café and seemed to have several friends among its patrons .
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