Example sentences of "[noun] get [adv] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was glad of the break to get away from the monotony of the orchard with the constant sniping and mortaring .
2 The claim that the complex whole of society should be seen as consisting of practices is an attempt to get away from the idea that a social theory can be grounded upon a concept which is ‘ simple ’ and ‘ given ’ .
3 Mr T told the packed public hall at St Margaret 's Hope that he had brought his family to Orkney to get away from the pressures of much of life in mainland Britain .
4 ‘ I go to the pub to get away from the wife ’ …
5 This a lovely place to get away from the pressures of everyday life under the care of the owner and his friendly staff .
6 ‘ You 're going to throw away a chance to get away from the ship for a while ?
7 They climbed one wall to get away from the car and waited for their eyes and ears to tune themselves to the darkness .
8 The dynamic duo get away from the troubles of the world and curl up for a nap , by ffolkes , June 1954
9 The scene was frantic : a sea of members but precious few stage-divers ( these guys like to keep their distance ) , simply ridiculous volume levels that make sure you only concentrated on the music , lovely melodies , and people getting away from the pressures of daily life in a northern town .
10 Joyce wisely decided to take her three smallest charges around the block to get away from the trauma , and to give herself chance to adjust to the idea .
11 From the business man getting away from the stress of modern life , through to the naturalist , bird-watcher , fisherman , all sorts of people .
12 I eat the meal inside the tent to get away from the wind , and even there I need an extra jacket .
13 She hates parks ; it takes half an hour to get there from the flats and then the kids are put inside one lot of railings like some kind of animals and you walk up and down inside another lot and watch them .
14 A strong young fellow like you does n't take thirty-five minutes to get here from the Kingsbrook bridge . ’
15 So he walked in the opposite direction , and he went to the park to get away from the people he might know .
16 A League double over Pool would be a great boost in their fight to get away from the foot of the table .
17 Then , making an effort to get away from the subject of Doreen , she went on , ‘ I have n't checked the answering machine .
18 ‘ There are cheques ready for you to sign , ’ she said listlessly , making an effort to get away from the subject of Doreen .
19 In the hottest months these curtains would be tightly shut in one more effort to get away from the heat and glare .
20 Italy 's greatest modern industrialist , Enrico Mattei , used to have to take to the air in his private jet in order to get away from the telephone and think .
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