Example sentences of "[noun] who do not [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A defendant who does not believe in consent could either be one who fleetingly turns his mind to the issue of consent but since he is indifferent to the matter forms no view at all or one whose indifference is such that he entirely fails to think about it in the first place .
2 Stephen Glover could have taken either of two ‘ angles ’ : a bitchy , scandal-strewn insider 's account , which might have appealed to a small audience of fellow scribblers and media junkies ; or a description of what it takes to launch a high-profile business in the teeth of fierce competition , which might have interested those thousands of readers who do not drink at London 's Groucho Club .
3 In one fell swoop , Virgin had acquired that most elusive of qualities , ‘ street credibility ’ ; the company roster now boasted groups like Magazine , Penetration , the Members , the Skids — what was becoming known as New Wave , a marketing term used to denote almost any performer that had emerged in the aftermath of punk who did not spit in his audience 's eye .
4 ‘ It not only affects the consumer but also those honest motor traders who do not engage in such malpractices . ’
5 Spontaneous and unrehearsed music seems to be acceptable to clergy who do not know about music .
6 Additional home support can be provided for a further 10 clients who do not wish to or can not attend the day centre .
7 The second government report on the same issue drew attention to the wastage of very able working-class school-leavers who did not proceed to higher education .
8 A major part of the effort in user education in university and polytechnic libraries is the preparation of guides to the subject literature , guides to individual reference works , guides to particular forms of literature , guides to techniques of information handling etc , and there are few libraries in these sectors who do not have at least a dozen in current production .
9 If it were more forcefully to challenge the ageism that underlies the social structure , would it be in danger of provoking a backlash from those of its supporters who do not wish to be reminded that all is not well , despite their charity ?
10 Nevertheless Cara smiled at them that morning , as she smiled at the frail , clerical-looking gentleman who was both their saviour and their torment , the pawnbroker who held his court on one corner of St Jude 's Passage , the other corner housing the red-headed madam of the fringed shawl who did not emerge from behind her green shutters so early in the day .
11 Mr Devaty is one of the few dissidents who do not come from a Prague-based intellectual background .
12 In 1976 a Treble Bell was placed in the church tower in memory of comrades who did not return from their missions .
13 It is obviously highly desirable that middle-class youngsters and students drop out of smoking — even in this country , they do so in relatively high numbers — but that concentrates with an even stronger focus the efforts of the tobacco and advertising industries on youngsters who do not come from such categories .
14 Any parents who do not respond to the call-up will be contacted again .
15 P.B. I would be concerned as a Catholic parent if a lady who does not go by her married name and does not wear a wedding ring is appointed .
16 The food was served up by the equally cheerful owner , a middle-aged lady who did not believe in overcharging her customers .
17 HI FI enthusiasts who do not want to be involved in new-fangled digital technology now have a fresh analogue controversy to get their teeth into .
18 A 63-year-old property developer who does not want to be named , he is one of the wealthiest men on the island .
19 Woe betide the witness or counsel who did not appear to be fully candid ’ .
20 But you may not have realised that in between these two splendid , well-run national tournaments lie a large number of middle-strength clubs who do not qualify for participation in either .
21 MY neighbour , a pensioner who does not qualify for income support , was melodramatic in her condemnation of the Chancellor .
22 Of the 23% who did not approve of the devolution , some commented on the speed with which the new system had been introduced and of the lack of opportunity for staff development ; others were concerned that localised development meant duplication of effort .
23 Married women and widows who do not qualify for a basic pension in their own right may be entitled to a basic pension on their husband 's contributions at about 60 per cent of the level to which he is entitled ( see ‘ Pensions for women ’ at the end of the chapter ) .
24 When questioned about penalising member states who did not comply with EC environmental legislation Andrew Bryce of the UK Environmental Law Association ( UKELA ) said that penalising member states by withholding regional grants was ‘ a blunt instrument ’ , because it might affect individuals through no fault of their own .
25 It will penalise people on low incomes who do not qualify for discounts , and through the banding system it tends to benefit the rich .
26 One interesting study from Edinburgh University , published in The Lancet , found that men with angina had lower levels of vitamins A , C and E in their blood compared with a similar group who did not suffer from heart disease .
27 Instead of one group of market participants who do not learn from experience and another ( entrepreneurial ) group who do , we can work with market participants who are alert to changing buying and selling possibilities .
28 In fact I have not met a single teacher who does not want to be their best and do their best for young people , even though what this means in practice is very different for different teachers .
29 In such communities the focused norms may be codified in dictionaries and grammars , and there may be penalties ( such as educational failure ) for individuals who do not adhere to the norm .
30 Thus we should guard against any immediate and unreasoned reaction to the idea that they might ultimately be widened to encompass individuals who do not happen to be human .
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