Example sentences of "[noun] all [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The impact as well as the shock of the bullet wound knocked him crashing face down to the ground , his legs all mixed up with the trolley 's wheels .
2 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
3 An apple tree grew flat against the wall on one side , and in spring , when it blossomed , it was like a huge , lacy fan all spread out in a froth of flowers and leaves .
4 Professor Jean Golding , Dr Peter Fleming , Dr Peter Rudd and Dr Elizabeth Hall all work together on the ‘ Avon Infant Mortality Study ’ .
5 JOLLY hockey-sticks … it 's Joanna Lumley and Jennifer Saunders all dolled up like a pair of overgrown schoolgirls for a St Trinians-style TV comedy .
6 What told most against Pétain , however , was that while Joffre , Foch and de Castelnau all swam vigorously with the current , he alone stood against the prevailing tide of the de Grandmaison movement .
7 That morning , just after Sullivan had received a cable form Washington telling him to inform the new government that the United States would continue diplomatic relations with Iran , machine guns mounted on the surrounding buildings all opened up in a pre-arranged barrage .
8 The watchers all waited tensely for the first word , the first greeting between the two .
9 A Whether they come in through the letterbox , under the door or around the windows , draughts all add up to a large heating bill .
10 What we have here is the untarnished pop of Pet Shop Boys mixed with the stylish swish of Pixies and the expertise of REM all rounded off with the insane power of a contemporary Wagner .
11 They hoped that the molecules would react with the surface to form a film , with the long chains all sticking out like a field of corn .
12 ‘ Her hair all frizzed out like a black halo and ever so sweet .
13 Nutty stood frowning , not able to complain , her insides all knotted up at the thought of jumping in .
14 look at Bryony , with that red peaked hood and , and the front of this rain cover hanging down and the back bit all punched up at the back
15 Field experiments with stuffed birds also demonstrate that different species of small birds all close in for the attack on a hated enemy — in this case not a predator but a cuckoo .
16 What we also have is the British and Irish government , John Major and Gerry Addams all talking seriously about a possible peace initiative .
17 The three teams all start out in an eight-team Fourth Division .
18 The table and chairs and windowboxes all fit in with the period of the house .
19 In various birds species , such as ruffs and black grouse , the males all cluster together in the breeding season on a special patch of ground called a lek or arena .
20 But all the gains that we had made out of labour movement , improvements in working time , improvements in health and safety , equality issues , legal rights all went out of the window , and what has happened to the vast majority of those service jobs ?
21 Jane Holt 's , Grimsdale 's and police evidence all pointed strongly to the tailor 's guilt .
22 When we arrived , Heathcliff , Hareton , and Joseph all came out of the house to inspect the child .
23 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
24 It may be a cliché , but the compactness , the lack of weight , abundance and responsiveness of power , massively powerful brakes and rigidity of suspension all add up to a car that feels very much like a big kart .
25 There 's prezzies all wrapped up under the tree , just like we used to have when I lived with Annie and Mum and Dad .
26 You said you saw Jim Lancaster , Maggie Parkin and David Parkin all go out of the boardroom . ’
27 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers ; SunSoft president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life — McNealy shot back that the ‘ SM ’ stood for ‘ Stop Microsoft . ’
28 Sun Microsystems Inc CEO Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers .
29 The motions which were chosen for debate all hovered marginally above the lowest common factor of Party opinion and were designed to be carried nem con .
30 It caused probably the first mythical switchboard ( since phones were only just installed ) , the cancelling of the Thursday night repeat was discussed in Parliament , Prince Philip loved it , Peter Cushing ( as Winston ) became a star , and the genuine sewer rats used for ‘ that ’ sequence all passed out under the studio lights .
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