Example sentences of "[noun] go [adv] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 times He 'll have good times Goin' oot on the randan But
2 They are likely to be allowed less freedom to go out on the streets and stay out late .
3 Blood-sugar level goes up on the digestion of food .
4 They inevitably knock on the door on the one evening of the month when you 're dolled up in your glad rags to go out on the town .
5 When a guest checks in the receptionist allocates a room showing a green light ; he or she presses a switch and the green light goes off on the board as well as on the cashier 's and housekeeper 's boards .
6 So when on 16 August the letter drops on the door mat , the phone call comes from school , or the lists go up on the notice board , teenagers who have failed to get the right grades for that coveted university of polytechnic place may feel that the world has come to an end .
7 But once record companies went back on the sales offensive the new pop was easily coopted .
8 You could be very happy if you are not putting your enjoyment in second place or you could be making the most enormous compromises because you lack the courage to go alone on the sort of holiday that you would really enjoy .
9 The will-they , won't-they teaser comes to a clinch this evening when Sharon 's husband Grant goes out on the booze again .
10 This time the ascension does not bring down the curtain on the life of Jesus ; instead , the curtain goes up on the life of the Church .
11 I see bands going out on the road with a dozen more people than they actually need .
12 A full week had gone by and it was Saturday again before Stephen went out on the moor .
13 First Mrs Agnes McGuinness : ‘ My husband went out on the Saturday and I did n't see him again until the Sunday morning .
14 ‘ Brian Williams went down on the ball once and had his head blatantly stamped on and he has a bad cut , ’ he added .
15 Would the curtain go up on the world 's greatest surfing spectacle before I had to leave — or would it all go ahead without me ?
16 No answer was forthcoming , and no doubt the appropriate score went down on the questionnaire .
17 Police inquiry desks in Darlington will be staffed by civilians rather than policemen , leaving more officers to go out on the beat , if the Chief Constable of County Durham gets his way .
18 She stared at the car lights going by on the ceiling and thought about her Diary and wondered how much they would pay her for it .
19 I get the impression that the disappearance last year of Sounds and Record Mirror caused more than a slight fluttering in the dovecote and that the paper has since tended to concentrate more on This Week 's Sensation and less on the diverting things going on on the fringe .
20 This time , the lights went up on the slipper-fight .
21 Back in Cardiff , my name went up on the Honours Board and my father , in the last year before his retirement , quietly enjoyed the thought that I was to spend at least part of my life in the county in which his father had been born .
22 It led to a hallway , with stairs going up on the left .
23 Sara went to the top of the spiral staircase and crouched , listening to the argument going on on the floor below .
24 On the Saturday I was seen off by Ada , the Shelleys going away on the Friday night .
25 So my father went over on the Monday evening and after such a a young man paid such interest in the garden and paying so much compliments , Well you ca n't go home without coming in for a cup of tea .
26 In The Ladybird New Testament the story is similarly altered to include a dream rather than a vision : One day Peter went up on the roof of the house where he was staying in Joppa to pray .
27 Environmental agency goes back on the shelf
28 In idle moments or when there is not a lot going on on the dump , they fly across to annoy the birds on the pools .
29 When I saw the picture of the Meko 200 frigate go up on the screen .
30 Wycliffe went out on the verandah and stood , his arms resting on the rail .
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