Example sentences of "[noun] can [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I am wrong , Labour can prove it by helping the Local Government Finance Bill on to the statute book .
2 Here are three examples of how a change of thinking can save you from making high scores .
3 Computers can catch it by using floppy discs holding infected programmes , or from programmes copied off an electronic bulletin board , which is where it was probably first planted .
4 The detailed analyses they make of unconscious significations can stop them from considering any other kind of explanation .
5 Do n't forget to use a sunscreen on overcast days — clouds or a breeze can fool you into thinking the sun is weaker than it really is .
6 On receipt of the application , the court can dismiss it without giving notice to the creditor and , immediately the application is dismissed , time for compliance with the demand starts to run again .
7 Farmers can control it by ploughing it in . ’
8 In just promoting ideal conditions in the reef aquarium for sessile invertebrates , such subjects as anemones and soft corals can reward you by reproducing asexually either by polyp division or budding .
9 The Leeming airfield can get busy at times , so anything up to a dozen Tornados a day can visit us for refuelling .
10 SAVE and other local and national bodies can support you by making direct contact with the local planning office and writing letters of support to the local press and planners .
11 When he concluded by saying that : ‘ We at the ANC are convinced that cricket can assist us in achieving the new South Africa to which we all aspire , ’ he was warmly applauded by the tourists management and captain Kepler Wessels .
12 Nothing barring a major disaster can prevent her from becoming a main attraction — Barbara Dennerlein is a star in the ascendant .
13 If the adventurers can trick him into believing that , for example , his Master is in danger and they are here to help , then Gerd will be very eager to assist them , and he does know his way around the dungeons rather well .
14 Just when we 're strapped for cash , only a load of new clothes can save us from looking dowdy — you would n't be alone in thinking that the whole thing is nothing more than a brilliant wheeze dreamt up by the fashion industry whenever times get tough .
15 The soil level is raised , so the patient can reach it without having to bend too far .
16 If it is not the one required , the user can delete it by pressing the ‘ LINEFEED ’ key , then enter the desired value and press TAB .
17 But the Barclays Franchise Pack can guide you in making that decision by prompting the questions that you should ask of both yourself , the prospective franchiser , and even some of the existing franchisees .
18 A hard hat can protect you from having a metal spike go through your skull and into your brain .
19 Benefits such as good facilities can make it worth travelling farther ; it 's amazing how a well-designed yard can cut down on working time .
20 Mars is in Gemini and in the travel angle of your solar chart adds weight to Jupiter and Venus in Leo and no power on earth can prevent you from following the dictates of your heart .
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