Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But , because the umbilical goes through the basket , the diver can always find his way back .
2 Therefore the very success of an agent can sometimes mean his downfall .
3 Now we need to talk a little bit about what happens when the veins or the arteries or the capillaries for that matter , the veins , the arteries or the capillaries have a leak in them , they become broken , now you already know that the circulatory system is a closed system and that the blood can only do its job if it 's being transported within that system , once the blood comes outside of that system then it 's lost the circulation and it can not perform its proper function any more , in other words the body 's losing its blood , okay , what condition do we call it when the circulatory system stops working properly ?
4 Not because the decision in Spain weighed on him , but because while Niki 's Ferrari continued to perform with unfailing reliability , his own car , due to minute adjustments to accommodate new regulations , was turning into a pig : proof once again that even the tiniest changes in a car can gravely affect its performance and that it is the smallest defects that are the hardest to detect .
5 Indeed , the music industry can reasonably claim its market to include anyone from 5 years to 50 , taking in both sexes and every social class .
6 En primeur buying has been touted as a particularly attractive kind of speculative flutter , with the guarantee that the investment can never lose its liquidity .
7 Aston Villa can seriously damage your health
8 Self appraisals can also make your life much easier during the delicate stage of deciding what action is going to be taken to improve performance .
9 The book-collector can obviously fight his corner here with examples from well-known authors and historic figures who either drew the cheques or were at the receiving end .
10 Industrial chemicals such as volatile organochlorine compounds can also find their way into groundwater , with serious implications for its quality .
11 d ) Except when flying in good visual conditions ( when the eyes can easily verify your position , attitude and motion , with respect to the surface of the Earth ) bodily sensations are usually unreliable , whereas failure of flight instruments is much less likely to have occurred .
12 Snooker can seriously damage your health . ’
13 While Alex Higgins reckons snooker can seriously damage your health , Davis is positively thriving on it at the moment .
14 At altitude , sunburn can seriously damage your skin — children in particular should go with factor 15 or more .
15 Lifting very heavy weights can also raise your blood pressure considerably for a short time .
16 The Force welcomes visitors , because its primary role is deterrent , and the Force can best fulfil its mission by showing how effectively a multinational , integrated force can operate in isolated locations on the flanks of Europe .
17 Tiger moths can also take their defence strategy a stage further , screaming out in ultrasound , which may jam the bats ' sonar or warn of their foul taste .
18 Admittedly the fishing in Ireland can sometimes disturb your slumber .
19 The mountains can be a dangerous place — weather changes rapidly leaving climbers and walkers ‘ blind ’ while hands and feet can easily lose their grip on the slopes covered with neve or tightly packed snow .
20 Sometimes the most doting and caring of parents can so overwhelm their child with protectiveness and a stifling form of love that they do not allow that child to develop .
21 A woman who is happy in her job and hates being cooped up at home all day win bring back positive qualities to the household , but on the other hand the strains and stresses of work can also leave their mark on family life .
22 Clever use of make-up can greatly enhance your appearance and leading make-up artist Teresa Fairminer will give you expert advice .
23 A performer can only prove his talent by performing — meanwhile by their subscriptions members play an important part in making Equity effective .
24 PARTY-time at home can seriously damage your health if you do n't realise how much you are drinking , visitors to yesterday 's Drinkwise Day exhibition in Middlesbrough , were told .
25 It should also be remembered that if an SRO is thought to be acting inappropriately , i.e. if it is subject to regulatory capture , then the SIB can simply revoke its status .
26 Management of a business can only justify its existence and its authority by the economic results it produces , even though as a consequence of their actions , significant non-economic results occur as well .
27 Record companies , managers or anyone in the music business can only notice your music if your band is at a venue playing in the public eye .
28 Water which is too acid can considerably reduce their lifespan .
29 With a new single imminent and a debut album currently in the writing stage ( both definitely on the funky tip ) , Jamiroquai can justifiably hold his head high .
30 He embraces suicide as deed , as the one true act in a false world , as supreme podvig , as feat to end feats , God-killing , god-making ; and in doing so he exemplifies , as others before and Ivan Karamazov after him , the truth that Dostoevsky can only satisfy his hunger for crisis and clarity by bestowing it on the enemy .
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