Example sentences of "[noun] as he [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He ran to his car , calling back to Aunt Nellie as he started up the engine : ‘ Ring up the A.A. box at Begwith and tell them to try and stop her . ’
2 My first clear memory is of sitting on the front of his horse as he galloped down a ploughed field , of the earth skittering and turning , and being safe in his arms .
3 Mr Taylor , of Grantham , said Liam had gradually improved , and his voice choked with emotion as he described how the next afternoon his son had opened his eyes and reached for his teddy bear .
4 He tossed her shorts away , then sat up and looked at her with desire-darkened eyes as he tugged down the zip on his own shorts and flung them away .
5 Newry were without the services of Erroll Lutton as he sweats out a three match suspension , but the return of Stephen Garvey and the addition of Ritchie Nummy to Newry 's back line-up certainly seemed to work well .
6 He was watching through the door-space as he backed down the hallway .
7 He left his office , nodded to Bourne as he walked down the hall , and called , ‘ I 'm going out . ’
8 Senior Sea King pilot Lt Cmdr George Wallace spoke of the shelling as he picked up the two injured men .
9 The landlord , partially blinded as he turned from sunlight into gloom , was aware only of a shadow ; a stirring of air ; a faint dull patter mixing into the rowdy mob-noise , and something brushing featherlight against his thigh as he waddled down the passage .
10 HAMILTON PARK has always been one of Jack Berry 's happiest hunting grounds , and the Cockerham-based trainer was in his customary bubbly mood as he brought off a 15-1 double yesterday at the track 's final meeting of 1992 .
11 The sharp cold , after his warm exertions , took his breath away for a moment as he hung on the stern of the canoe , but as soon as he had recovered his breath , the Commander struck out for the shore in a strong breaststroke that did not disturb the phosphorescence more than he could help , and barely ruffled the water .
12 Leonora gave him a wavering smile as he switched on the hall light .
13 He was later denied the goal his performance deserved by Munday 's superb tackle as he lined up a shot .
14 Roger North , the young Surrey allrounder , is the hero , with strong love interest , and a climax to tempt film-makers as he climbs up the gasholder at The Oval with the villain .
15 Metal pinked against metal as he opened out the roll , and a sheaf of little plastic cards fell out of the middle .
16 He opened the throttle as he turned left into Station Road The burble of the exhaust turned to a bellow as he raced down the long gentle slope towards Newtown .
17 ‘ Ah , ’ Karl shook his head as he looked down the avenue .
18 He held a copy of Milton 's works in his hands , but whenever he quoted from the poet he held the book aloft , like the Gospel at High Mass , sometimes going so far as to wave it to and fro behind his head as he chanted out the words .
19 Damien Walsh , from Colinvale , Poleglass , was murdered on Thursday night as he closed up a fuel suppliers in the Dairy Farm Centre .
20 The man stripping off his helmet as he strode down the room was tall and broad-shouldered , and moved with the leashed power of the hunter .
21 If the cuddly Lord Spencer , for whom the nation held its breath as he walked down the aisle of St Paul 's Cathedral to give away his daughter Diana , will be sorely missed , it is far from clear whether the departure of his widow from Althorp will be seen as a loss .
22 The Rev John Boocock said he was looking forward to acting the David Dimbleby role as he gives up the regular ‘ sermon slot ’ for a full interview in which he will try and investigate the relationship between the church and education .
23 The speaker was a tall , long-legged blonde , her wide-set brown eyes focused solely on Dane as he sped down the slope .
24 She heard the slap-slap of his brush as he filled in a large area of sky .
25 ‘ Thought I raised a wench with a bit o' sense , ’ sniffed the old man as he trundled down the garden path with his wheelbarrow full of tools .
26 He stood beside the broken glass of his front door as he described how the white neighbours — assisted by two West Indian girls — hauled him into the court and beat him .
27 Ranulf studied the painting curiously and felt a shiver of apprehension as he saw how the sinners were thrust into hot ovens , cauldrons of boiling oil , or broken on huge revolving cartwheels .
28 He released her hands , and pinned her instead with one hard leg as he drew down the straps of her swimsuit , uncovering her full high breasts to his view .
29 I rousted Thessy out of his bed with a cup of tea , then went to my own bed as he took over the wheel .
30 In chapter thirty Hilton 's analysis of the process of reformation of feeling comes to a climax as he brings together the implications of his analysis and imagery in a synthesis embodying his full sense of the process of contemplative life as lived discovery of the meaning of the Incarnation.The experience of the darkness reveals to the soul its essence which is that its being does not inhere in the dimensions of time : " for soule is no body bot a lif vnseable " ( 30.102r. – 252 ) and has its own mode of knowing that is not entirely dependent on bodily senses or imagination .
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