Example sentences of "[noun] as [pers pn] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 Ace unfastened her safety harness and clutched the sides of her shaking couch as she pulled herself into a sitting position .
2 Later Fernando grazed the moisture from her brow with his lips as he gathered her into his arms once again .
3 Her hands fumbled with the bunch of keys as she let herself into her own flat again .
4 He sighed with wry regret as he took her into his arms , tipping her face up to his .
5 He turned to meet the Doctor 's gaze as he righted himself into an undignified crouch .
6 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
7 Her nipple was hard and swollen in Luke 's mouth , its hot stinging ache too much like pleasure , and she knew herself doubly degraded , by his kiss and by her own response to it , the pleading curve of her body as she pressed herself into his mouth a flagrant denial of the protest screaming in her mind .
8 Her mouth was open , but she did n't make a sound as he whirled her into the darkness .
9 His mouth creaked into a smile as he bowed her into her lift and pressed the button for floor 19 : Le Club Zodiaque , top of the world !
10 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
11 I climbed into my paper nightie and was helped on to a narrow trolley by a second Farrah Fawcett blow-up doll ( but punctured ) , then gazed adoringly up the nose of a Greek god as he wheeled me into an open lift and down to the basement operating theatre to a waiting : ‘ Hi , I 'm Andy , your anaesthesiologist . ’
12 She felt Mr Browning 's arm round her and the gentlest of pressures as he pushed her into a seat .
13 After a moment 's hesitation she sat in one of the large armchairs , half expecting to be pushed on to the settee , but he allowed her to sit alone , only raising an eyebrow as he lowered himself into the matching chair .
14 ‘ Steve ! ’ she cried in amazement as he let himself into the apartment , grinning all over his silly face as if he 'd just popped out for a paper that morning and found he 'd won the state lottery .
15 ‘ Keep still , do n't panic , and you 'll be all right , ’ Trent told the three men as he handed them into the boat .
16 The salmon can recognise this cocktail first in a generalised way in the brackish water of an estuary and then with increasing precision as they follow it into smaller and smaller tributaries until at last they reach the shallows where it exactly matches the prescription demanded by their nostrils .
17 ‘ Think about nice things ! ’ she would say to Henry as she tucked him into bed at night .
18 ‘ You implied to Belinda that there had n't been anyone in your life since Jennifer , ’ said Rachel as she led him into her kitchen .
19 She practically flung herself into the driver 's seat , moaning loudly with pain as she eased herself into position and started the engine .
20 A blast of warm smoky air struck Meredith 's face as she preceded him into the one large room inside .
21 ‘ The time factor ; it 's too late to get married today , but the honeymoon does n't have to wait , does it ? ’ she said , a faint colour stealing into her face as he swung her into his arms .
22 There was a loud crunching of gears as she forced it into reverse again , then sent the car hurtling again into the now stationary Audi , shunting it several yards further back .
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